How to use the command "dirname" (with examples)

How to use the command "dirname" (with examples)

The “dirname” command is a useful tool for calculating the parent directory of a given file or directory path. This can be helpful when working with file paths and needing to determine the directory in which a file or directory is located. The command returns the parent directory name as output.

Use case 1: Calculate the parent directory of a given path


dirname path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is when you have a specific file or directory path and need to determine the parent directory. This can be helpful when manipulating files or navigating the file system.

Explanation: The “dirname” command is followed by the file or directory path you want to analyze. It will return the name of the parent directory where the given path is located.

Example output:


Use case 2: Calculate the parent directory of multiple paths


dirname path/to/file_a path/to/directory_b

Motivation: This example is useful when you need to calculate the parent directories of multiple paths. It streamlines the process by handling all the paths specified in a single command.

Explanation: Similar to the previous use case, the “dirname” command is given multiple paths as arguments. It will calculate the parent directory for each path and provide the respective outputs.

Example output:


Use case 3: Delimit output with a NUL character instead of a newline


dirname --zero path/to/directory_a path/to/file_b

Motivation: When combining the output of “dirname” with other commands, such as “xargs,” it can be useful to have the output delimited with a NUL character instead of a newline. This allows for proper handling of paths that may contain spaces or special characters.

Explanation: The “–zero” option is added to the “dirname” command. This option instructs the command to use a NUL character as the delimiter instead of the default newline. It enables compatibility with other commands, such as “xargs” that expect NUL-delimited input.

Example output:



The “dirname” command is a handy tool for calculating the parent directory of a given file or directory path. It can be used to streamline file manipulation tasks, navigate the file system, and combine with other commands for more advanced operations. By utilizing the various use cases discussed above, users can make the most of the “dirname” command’s capabilities.

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