Dive: Exploring Docker Images in Depth (with examples)

Dive: Exploring Docker Images in Depth (with examples)


Docker is a widely used platform for containerization, allowing developers to package applications and their dependencies into a well-defined and isolated environment. However, as Docker images grow in size and complexity, it becomes important to understand what’s inside them and find ways to optimize and reduce their overall footprint. This is where “dive” comes into play.

Dive is an open-source command-line tool developed by Wagoodman that enables users to analyze Docker images, inspect their layers, and discover potential ways to shrink them. In this article, we will explore the different use cases of the “dive” command, both for analyzing existing Docker images and building and analyzing new images.

Analyze a Docker Image

One of the primary use cases of “dive” is to analyze an existing Docker image. This allows us to gain insights into the image’s contents, understand its layer structure, and identify opportunities for optimization.


dive your_image_tag


By analyzing an existing Docker image, we can gather essential information about its construction and contents. This information helps us identify redundant or unnecessary packages, large files, or suboptimal practices that contribute to the image’s size.


  • your_image_tag: The tag of the Docker image to be analyzed.

Example Output:

Press Enter to continue...

The output displayed will be an interactive terminal-based interface where you can explore the layers of the Docker image, view their respective sizes, and inspect the files and directories contained within each layer. This interface allows you to navigate through the image structure, showing you a visual representation of the space consumed by each layer.

Build an Image and Start Analyzing It

Another powerful use case of “dive” is its ability to directly analyze images during the build process. By using the dive build command, we can build an image and simultaneously analyze its layers, ensuring that we optimize its size at every stage of the build process.


dive build -t some_tag


Performing analysis during the build process enables us to identify issues and optimize the image size in real-time. By addressing optimization opportunities as we build the image, we can prevent unnecessary bloat and ensure that our final Docker image is as efficient as possible.


  • some_tag: The tag to assign to the built image.

Example Output:

Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.096kB
Step 1/5 : FROM python:3.9

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