How to use the command 'dnsrecon' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dnsrecon' (with examples)

The command ‘dnsrecon’ is a DNS enumeration tool that allows users to perform various types of scans on a domain. It is a powerful tool for gathering information about a domain’s DNS infrastructure and can be used in security assessments or for general DNS exploration.

Use case 1: Scan a domain and save the results to a SQLite database


dnsrecon --domain --db path/to/database.sqlite

Motivation: Saving the results of a DNS scan to a SQLite database can be useful for further analysis and comparisons. It allows for easy organization and manipulation of the obtained data.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • --db path/to/database.sqlite: Specifies the path and name of the SQLite database file to save the results.

Example output: The command will initiate a DNS scan on the domain ’’ and save the results to the specified SQLite database file.

Use case 2: Scan a domain, specifying the nameserver and performing a zone transfer


dnsrecon --domain --name_server --type axfr

Motivation: When performing a DNS scan, it may be necessary to specify a specific nameserver to query. Additionally, performing a zone transfer can provide more detailed information about the domain’s DNS configuration.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • --name_server Specifies the nameserver to query for DNS information.
  • --type axfr: Specifies the type of scan to perform, in this case, a zone transfer.

Example output: The command will perform a DNS scan on the domain ’’, querying the specified nameserver and performing a zone transfer. The output will include detailed DNS zone information.

Use case 3: Scan a domain, using a brute-force attack and a dictionary of subdomains and hostnames


dnsrecon --domain --dictionary path/to/dictionary.txt --type brt

Motivation: Brute-force attacks can be used to discover hidden or unknown subdomains and hostnames belonging to a domain. By providing a dictionary of potential subdomains and hostnames, this scan can reveal additional targets for further investigation.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • --dictionary path/to/dictionary.txt: Specifies the path and name of the dictionary file containing potential subdomains and hostnames.
  • --type brt: Specifies the type of scan to perform, in this case, a brute-force attack.

Example output: The command will perform a DNS scan on the domain ’’, using a brute-force attack with the provided dictionary. The output will include discovered subdomains and hostnames.

Use case 4: Scan a domain, performing a reverse lookup of IP ranges from the SPF record and saving the results to a JSON file


dnsrecon --domain -s --json

Motivation: Reverse lookups of IP ranges from the SPF record can reveal additional domains associated with a particular IP range. Saving the results to a JSON file allows for easy parsing and processing of the obtained data.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • -s: Enables the reverse lookup of IP ranges from the SPF record.
  • --json: Specifies the format to save the results in, in this case, JSON.

Example output: The command will perform a DNS scan on the domain ’’, performing a reverse lookup of IP ranges from the SPF record. The results will be saved in a JSON file.

Use case 5: Scan a domain, performing a Google enumeration and saving the results to a CSV file


dnsrecon --domain -g --csv

Motivation: Performing a Google enumeration can reveal subdomains and hostnames that may not be included in the domain’s DNS records. Saving the results to a CSV file allows for easy analysis and manipulation of the obtained data.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • -g: Enables the Google enumeration.
  • --csv: Specifies the format to save the results in, in this case, CSV.

Example output: The command will perform a DNS scan on the domain ’’, performing a Google enumeration. The results will be saved in a CSV file.

Use case 6: Scan a domain, performing DNS cache snooping


dnsrecon --domain --type snoop --name_server --dictionary path/to/dictionary.txt

Motivation: DNS cache snooping can be used to gather information from caching DNS resolvers. It can reveal cached records and provide insights into a domain’s DNS infrastructure and configuration.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • --type snoop: Specifies the type of scan to perform, in this case, DNS cache snooping.
  • --name_server Specifies the nameserver to query for DNS information.
  • --dictionary path/to/dictionary.txt: Specifies the path and name of the dictionary file containing potential subdomains and hostnames.

Example output: The command will perform a DNS scan on the domain ’’, performing a DNS cache snooping using the specified nameserver and dictionary file. The output will include any cached DNS records found.

Use case 7: Scan a domain, performing zone walking


dnsrecon --domain --type zonewalk

Motivation: Zone walking can be used to gather information about a domain’s DNS zone. It can reveal detailed information about subdomains and hostnames and help identify potential security risks.


  • --domain Specifies the target domain to scan.
  • --type zonewalk: Specifies the type of scan to perform, in this case, zone walking.

Example output: The command will perform a DNS scan on the domain ’’, performing a zone walking scan. The output will include detailed DNS zone information.


The ‘dnsrecon’ command is a versatile DNS enumeration tool that allows users to perform various types of scans on a domain. By utilizing its different options and arguments, users can gain valuable insights into a domain’s DNS infrastructure and configuration. Whether for security assessments or DNS exploration, ‘dnsrecon’ provides a range of features to assist in obtaining detailed information about a target domain.

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