How to Manage Docker Swarm with 'docker node' (with examples)

How to Manage Docker Swarm with 'docker node' (with examples)

The docker node command is an essential tool for managing Docker Swarm’s nodes—effectively the hosts that run your Docker containers as a unified cluster. Docker Swarm transforms Docker engines into a single, virtual Docker engine. This command allows administrators to manage nodes’ roles, availability, and overall status. It’s indispensable for overseeing the stability and distribution of workloads across your Swarm services.

Use case 1: List nodes in the swarm


docker node ls

Motivation: In a Docker Swarm setup, it’s crucial for administrators to keep track of all nodes participating in the cluster. Listing nodes gives a snapshot of each node’s availability, role (worker or manager), and status (active, paused, etc.), which is essential for maintaining an efficient and stable swarm environment.


  • docker: The base command to invoke Docker CLI.
  • node: Subcommand specifying you want to manage swarm nodes.
  • ls: Short for list, it lists all nodes that are currently part of the swarm.

Example output:

ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS
abcd1234efgh5678ijkl9012mnop  node-1              Ready               Active              Leader
qrst5678uvwx9012yzab3456cdef  node-2              Ready               Active              Reachable
ghij3456klmn7890opqr1234stuv  node-3              Down                Active

Use case 2: List tasks running on one or more nodes


docker node ps node1 node2 node3

Motivation: Understanding which tasks (or services) are running on specific nodes helps in balancing load and diagnosing issues related to task scheduling and performance. It provides insight into the current task distribution across the swarm, facilitating effective management and troubleshooting.


  • docker: The base command for Docker operations.
  • node: Specifies actions related to Swarm nodes.
  • ps: Lists all tasks or services running on the nodes.
  • node1 node2 node3: Identifies which specific nodes to query.

Example output:

ID                   NAME                      IMAGE    NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE                ERROR
a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8    my_service.1      nginx:latest  node1  Running        Running 10 minutes ago   
i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6    my_service.2      nginx:latest  node2  Running        Running 8 minutes ago    
q7r8s9t0u1v2w3x4    my_service.3      nginx:latest  node3  Running        Running 5 minutes ago    

Use case 3: Display detailed information on one or more nodes


docker node inspect node1 node2 node3

Motivation: Inspecting nodes provides deep insights into each node’s configurations and status, including labels, resources, and manager status. This is critical for troubleshooting and ensuring nodes are correctly configured and operating as expected within the swarm.


  • docker: Calls the Docker CLI.
  • node: Refers to node management.
  • inspect: Retrieves detailed information about nodes.
  • node1 node2 node3: Targets specific nodes for inspection.

Example output:

    "ID": "abcd1234efgh5678ijkl9012mnop",
    "Version": {
      "Index": 18
    "CreatedAt": "2023-09-11T23:46:05.565066033Z",

Use case 4: Promote one or more nodes to manager in the swarm


docker node promote node1 node2 node3

Motivation: Promoting nodes to managers allows them to manage swarm state changes, schedule tasks, and participate in leader election. More managers can increase redundancy and fault tolerance but should be used carefully to maintain performance efficiency.


  • docker: Commands Docker interface.
  • node: Pertains to node-related actions.
  • promote: Elevates the nodes’ status to managers.
  • node1 node2 node3: Designates nodes to be promoted.

Example output:

Node node1 promoted to a manager in the swarm.
Node node2 promoted to a manager in the swarm.
Node node3 promoted to a manager in the swarm.

Use case 5: Demote one or more nodes from manager in the swarm


docker node demote node1 node2 node3

Motivation: Demoting nodes can be necessary if managers need to be restructured to improve efficiency or when minimizing the attack surface for swarm management. Retaining only the required number of managers optimizes performance.


  • docker: Executes Docker command-line instruction.
  • node: Specifies node-related functions.
  • demote: Reverts nodes to worker status.
  • node1 node2 node3: Indicates which nodes to demote.

Example output:

Node node1 demoted in the swarm.
Node node2 demoted in the swarm.
Node node3 demoted in the swarm.

Use case 6: Remove one or more nodes from the swarm


docker node rm node1 node2 node3

Motivation: Nodes may need to be removed due to maintenance, failures, or restructuring of the swarm. This operation assists in reducing clutter and maintaining an accurate representation of available resources.


  • docker: Initiates Docker CLI functionalities.
  • node: Concerns operations on nodes.
  • rm: Removes specified nodes from the swarm.
  • node1 node2 node3: Targets nodes to be removed.

Example output:

Node node1 removed from the swarm.
Node node2 removed from the swarm.
Node node3 removed from the swarm.

Use case 7: Update metadata about a node


docker node update --availability active node1

Motivation: Updating a node’s metadata, such as its availability or role, helps in managing the workflow and status of nodes, allowing for downtime, resource optimization, and role assignment. This ensures that resource allocation and usage are optimized across the swarm.


  • docker: Calls upon Docker functionality.
  • node: Targets operations on nodes.
  • update: Updates node properties.
  • --availability active: Changes the node’s availability to active.
  • node1: Specifies the particular node to update.

Example output:

Node node1 updated to availability 'active'.


Understanding and using the docker node command effectively allows for robust management of Docker Swarm nodes. From listing and inspecting nodes to promoting roles and removing nodes, these operations form the backbone of efficient swarm administration, ensuring high availability and optimal distribution of tasks within the Docker environment.

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