How to Use the Command 'docker ps' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'docker ps' (with examples)

The docker ps command is an essential tool for Docker users, providing insights into the state of Docker containers. It is used to list all the running containers by default. Additionally, with various options, the command can offer detailed information about all containers, filter outputs, and much more. This guide will delve into different use cases of the docker ps command, demonstrating its versatility and utility in managing Docker environments.

Use Case 1: List currently running Docker containers


docker ps


This fundamental use case serves to quickly view all containers that are currently running. As a Docker user, knowing which containers are currently active is crucial for managing applications, monitoring workloads, and ensuring that the desired services are operational without interruption.


  • docker ps: The command without any additional arguments defaults to showing a list of all running containers. This simplicity makes it an excellent tool for rapid status checks.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                     NAMES
fa23d2f7b81c   nginx:latest      "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   2 minutes ago    Up 2 minutes>80/tcp        web_server
e678f9ad9c8c   redis:alpine      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 minutes ago    Up 5 minutes    6379/tcp                  redis_cache

Use Case 2: List all Docker containers (running and stopped)


docker ps --all


In real-world applications, understanding not just what is running but what has also stopped is crucial for debugging, resource management, and tracking container history. This command helps in identifying containers that may have exited due to errors or have been purposely stopped.


  • --all or -a: This flag modifies the docker ps command to list all containers, regardless of their current state, whether they’re running, stopped, or exited.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                     PORTS                     NAMES
fa23d2f7b81c   nginx:latest      "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   10 minutes ago   Exited (0) 2 seconds ago                            nginx_server
e678f9ad9c8c   redis:alpine      "redis-server"           15 minutes ago   Exited (0) 5 seconds ago                            redis_server
0d4a25305745   mysql:5.7.32      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes             3306/tcp                  mysql_db

Use Case 3: Show the latest created container (includes all states)


docker ps --latest


Quickly identifying the newest container can be essential for workflows where containers are created rapidly, such as in continuous integration and deployment pipelines. Knowing the last created container can speed up troubleshooting and debugging processes.


  • --latest or -l: This flag limits the output to only display the most recently created container, irrespective of its state. It is useful for focusing on the newest work being done within the Docker host.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                     PORTS                     NAMES
787b79109a7c   alpine            "echo Hello World"       1 second ago     Exited (0) 1 second ago                             amazing_thompson

Use Case 4: Filter containers that contain a substring in their name


docker ps --filter "name=name"


In complex environments with numerous containers, finding a specific container by name or identifying a group of containers with similar naming conventions becomes a necessity. This is particularly useful in staged environments (such as dev, test, prod) where container names reflect their role.


  • --filter: This option allows users to specify a condition that the listed containers must meet.
  • "name=name": This specific filter returns all containers with names including the substring “name”.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                     NAMES
4321bca8bbcd   app:latest        ""           30 minutes ago   Up 30 minutes>8080/tcp    app_name_server

Use Case 5: Filter containers that share a given image as an ancestor


docker ps --filter "ancestor=image:tag"


Often, multiple containers are launched from the same image for scaling or testing purposes. This command helps in selectively viewing all such containers, providing a clear perspective of which instances of a particular service or application are currently deployed.


  • --filter: Again, this option is used for condition-based filtering.
  • "ancestor=image:tag": Filters to show containers that have used a specified image as an ancestor, identifying all running instances built from a specific image version.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                     NAMES
5678f9abcdef   ubuntu:18.04      "/bin/bash"              40 seconds ago   Up 40 seconds                             ubuntu_instance
2345abc123f4   ubuntu:18.04      "/bin/sh -c 'sleep 1'"  1 minute ago     Exited (0) 30 seconds ago                 ubuntu_test

Use Case 6: Filter containers by exit status code


docker ps --all --filter "exited=code"


Knowing which containers have exited with specific error codes is invaluable for debugging and ensuring application reliability. This feature enables quick identification of issues by highlighting containers that have encountered errors during their lifecycle.


  • --all: Lists all containers irrespective of their current state.
  • --filter "exited=code": Filters containers based on the specified exit status code, such as 0 for success or a non-zero value for failure.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                     PORTS                     NAMES
5678f9ab127c   perl              "perl -e 'exit 1;'"      15 minutes ago   Exited (1) 14 minutes ago                            perl_error_case

Use Case 7: Filter containers by status


docker ps --filter "status=status"


Filtering containers by their status is key in disruption management and operational diagnostics. It allows administrators to quickly separate running and paused containers from those that are in undesired states like exited or dead, facilitating timely interventions.


  • --filter: This argument enables condition-based output filtering.
  • status=status: Shows only those containers that match the specified status such as running, paused, exited, etc.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                     NAMES
2345bca1d234   node:14           "node server.js"         25 minutes ago   Up 25 minutes>3000/tcp    node_app

Use Case 8: Filter containers that mount a specific volume or have a volume mounted in a specific path


docker ps --filter "volume=path/to/directory" --format "table .ID\t.Image\t.Names\t.Mounts"


Volume management is critical in Docker environments, especially for persistent storage concerns. By identifying containers using specific volumes, you facilitate resource tracking, setup audits, and help ensure proper data management strategies are being implemented.


  • --filter "volume=path/to/directory": Filters containers that use a particular directory path as a volume.
  • --format "table .ID\t.Image\t.Names\t.Mounts": Formats the output in a table displaying container ID, image, name, and the mounted volumes, providing a structured and visually comprehensible summary of relevant containers.

Example Output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             NAMES           MOUNTS
8765acde432b   mongo:4.2.6       mongodb         /data/db


This article helped illustrate the versatility and power of the docker ps command through various practical use cases. Understanding these examples enables Docker users to effectively navigate container management tasks, from simple listings to complex filtering based on names, images, statuses, and volumes. By mastering these commands, users can streamline their Docker operations, troubleshoot efficiently, and manage resources with greater precision.

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