Managing Docker Services: A Guide (with examples)

Managing Docker Services: A Guide (with examples)

Docker services provide a powerful way to manage and scale applications in a containerized environment. In this article, we will explore various use cases of the docker service command and how it can be used to manage services on a Docker daemon.

Listing Services

To get a list of all the services running on a Docker daemon, use the following command:

docker service ls


Listing the services can be useful for administrators and developers to get an overview of the services running on a Docker daemon. It provides essential information such as the service name, number of replicas, image, and ports exposed.

Example Output

ID             NAME        MODE         REPLICAS   IMAGE              PORTS
abc123         web         replicated   3/3        nginx:latest       80/tcp
def456         api         replicated   2/2        myapi:latest       -

Creating a New Service

To create a new service, use the docker service create command followed by the service name and the image with its tag:

docker service create --name my-service nginx:latest


Creating a new service allows you to define and manage a containerized application in Docker. Services provide a higher-level abstraction that enables easy scaling, load balancing, and service discovery.

Example Output


Inspecting Service Details

To display detailed information about a specific service, use the docker service inspect command followed by the service name or ID:

docker service inspect my-service


Inspecting service details can be helpful when troubleshooting or monitoring a specific service. It provides information such as the service configuration, the number of replicas, and the node placement constraints.

Example Output

        "ID": "abc123",
        "Name": "my-service",
        "Version": {
            "Index": 123456
        "Spec": {
            "Name": "my-service",
            "TaskTemplate": {
                "ContainerSpec": {
                    "Image": "nginx:latest",

Listing Tasks of a Service

To view the tasks (containers) associated with a specific service, use the docker service ps command followed by the service name or ID:

docker service ps my-service


Listing tasks of a service helps you understand the distribution of containers across the nodes in a Docker swarm. It provides details such as the task ID, the node it is running on, and the current state of the task.

Example Output

ID            NAME          IMAGE            NODE           DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE     ERROR     PORTS
abc123        my-service.1  nginx:latest     node1          Running         Running 2 hours   -         80/tcp
def456        my-service.2  nginx:latest     node2          Running         Running 5 minutes -         80/tcp

Scaling Services

To scale a service to a specific number of replicas, use the docker service scale command followed by the service name and the desired replica count:

docker service scale my-service=5


Scaling services allows you to meet changing demand and achieve high availability. By increasing or decreasing the number of replicas, you can distribute the workload across multiple containers and utilize the available resources efficiently.

Example Output

my-service scaled to 5

Removing Services

To remove one or more services, use the docker service rm command followed by the service name or ID:

docker service rm my-service


Removing services is necessary when you no longer need them or want to free up resources. It ensures that the associated containers are properly stopped and removed from the Docker swarm.

Example Output


In this article, we explored different use cases of the docker service command. We learned how to list services, create new services, inspect service details, list tasks of services, scale services, and remove services. Each use case comes with a motivation for using it, an explanation of the arguments, and an example output. Mastering the docker service command is essential for effectively managing services in Docker.

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