Managing Docker Swarm: A Comprehensive Guide (with examples)

Managing Docker Swarm: A Comprehensive Guide (with examples)

Docker Swarm is a powerful container orchestration tool built into Docker. It allows users to manage a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system, automating tasks such as the distribution and management of containers, scaling applications, and ensuring high availability. This guide explores the essential functions and use cases of the docker swarm command, illustrating how it simplifies the orchestration and management of containerized applications.

Use case 1: Initialize a Swarm Cluster


docker swarm init

Initializing a Docker Swarm is the first step in creating a cluster of Docker nodes that operate as a unified system. By running docker swarm init, a single Docker node transforms into a swarm manager, laying the foundational architecture for deploying and managing containerized applications efficiently.


  • docker swarm is the command for managing and using Docker’s Swarm mode.
  • init initializes the Docker host as a swarm manager, effectively setting up the initial configuration for a swarm cluster.

Example Output:

Swarm initialized: current node (moba3xvxk07vltk0xcj2venzp) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4qakiauol5n26t99laf8xldeb1pzu2hogv2qbdfy0rxaap9gwn-7imymo7wcgdrgfr7kg9g6jxlf

Use case 2: Display the Token to Join a Manager or a Worker


docker swarm join-token worker|manager

To ensure seamless integration of new nodes into an existing Docker Swarm cluster, a token is essential. These tokens authenticate new nodes, allowing them to join the swarm either as a worker or a manager. This command retrieves the necessary token for node addition.


  • docker swarm join-token is used to display join tokens for nodes.
  • worker|manager specifies the type of node that will be joining the swarm. Replace worker or manager with the appropriate role to display its specific token.

Example Output:

To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4qakiauol5n26t99laf8xldeb1pzu2hogv2qbdfy0rxaap9gwn <manager_ip>:<manager_port>

Use case 3: Join a New Node to the Cluster


docker swarm join --token token manager_node_url:2377

Joining additional nodes to a Docker Swarm ensures enhanced resource allocation, redundancy, and scalability. As containerized applications grow in complexity and demand, expanding the cluster with additional nodes helps in load balancing and maintaining high availability.


  • docker swarm join is the command used to add a new node to an existing swarm.
  • --token token is the secure token generated by the swarm manager, used for linking the new node to the swarm.
  • manager_node_url:2377 indicates the IP address or hostname and port of the swarm manager that the new node will connect to. Port 2377 is the default port for Docker Swarm communication.

Example Output:

This node joined a swarm as a worker.

Use case 4: Remove a Worker from the Swarm


docker swarm leave

Occasionally, nodes need to be removed from a swarm, either for maintenance, upgrading, or decommissioning. By executing docker swarm leave on the worker node, it safely exits the swarm, ensuring data integrity and cluster stability.


  • docker swarm leave is a command executed on the node that wishes to be removed from the swarm. It gracefully disconnects the node from the cluster.

Example Output:

Node left the swarm.

Use case 5: Display the Current CA Certificate in PEM Format


docker swarm ca

Certificates are crucial for securing communication between nodes in a Docker Swarm. With docker swarm ca, administrators can inspect the current CA (Certificate Authority) certificate, ensuring that node communication remains encrypted and authenticated.


  • docker swarm ca displays the CA certificate currently used by the swarm in PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format, facilitating secure communication within the cluster.

Example Output:


Use case 6: Rotate the Current CA Certificate


docker swarm ca --rotate

Regular rotation of CA certificates strengthens security by minimizing the risk of unauthorized access. With docker swarm ca --rotate, administrators can initiate a new certificate, ensuring all nodes are updated with the latest secure credentials.


  • docker swarm ca is the command for managing the swarm’s CA.
  • --rotate rotates the existing CA certificate, creating and installing a new one to enhance security.

Example Output:

Swarm Certificate Authority updated and rotated.

Use case 7: Change the Valid Period for Node Certificates


docker swarm update --cert-expiry hourshminutesmsecondss

Adjusting the valid period for node certificates allows administrators to set a balance between security and operational efficiency. Shorter expiry periods increase security by forcing regular certificate renewals, while longer terms reduce administrative overhead.


  • docker swarm update is used for updating swarm configurations.
  • --cert-expiry hourshminutesmsecondss sets the new duration for which a node certificate remains valid. Specify the desired time format with respective hours, minutes, and seconds for custom expiry settings.

Example Output:

Swarm updated.


Docker Swarm offers a comprehensive suite of commands for managing container orchestration effectively. From initializing a new swarm, adding and removing nodes, ensuring secure node communication with certificates, to updating swarm configuration settings, each command plays a pivotal role in maintaining a robust and secure Docker ecosystem. Through this guide, users can leverage these commands to optimize their containerized applications, achieving scalable and resilient infrastructure.

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