Understanding the Running Processes of Docker Containers (with examples)

Understanding the Running Processes of Docker Containers (with examples)


Docker provides a command-line interface (CLI) to manage and monitor containers. One useful command is docker top, which allows you to view the running processes inside a container. This command provides valuable insights into the status and resource utilization of a container, making it easier to diagnose and troubleshoot issues. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the docker top command and demonstrate its practicality with examples.

1: Display the Running Processes of a Container

The primary purpose of the docker top command is to display the list of running processes inside a container. This information is crucial for monitoring and understanding the behavior of containers in real-time.

To display the running processes of a container, use the following command:

docker top <container_id>


When working with containers, it’s essential to have visibility into the processes running inside them. This information helps identify performance bottlenecks, resource conflicts, or potential security vulnerabilities. By using the docker top command, you can gain insights into the active processes within a container and take appropriate actions based on the analysis.


The docker top command requires the container_id as an argument. This ID uniquely identifies the container for which you want to access the running processes. It retrieves information from the namespace of the container, providing the names and resource utilization of all the active processes.

Example Output

UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 TIME                CMD
root                5254                1                   0                   13:45               pts/0               00:00:00            /bin/bash
root                5309                5254                0                   13:45               pts/0               00:00:00            top

In this example, the output shows two processes running inside the container. The CMD column provides the name of the process, while other columns display the process ID (PID), parent process ID (PPID), and other relevant information.

2: Display Help

The docker top command also includes a helpful help option that provides detailed information about using the command.

To display the help message, use the following command:

docker top --help


Understanding the available options and arguments of a command is crucial for efficient usage. By using the help option (--help) of the docker top command, you can quickly refer to the command’s usage, available flags, and additional information, empowering you to make the most out of this command.


The --help option is a common convention in command-line interfaces. It triggers the display of the command’s help message, providing you with a brief overview and usage instructions. For the docker top command, it shows the proper syntax, along with the description of the command and its available options.

Example Output

Usage:  docker top CONTAINER [ps OPTIONS]

Display the running processes of a container.

      --help          Print usage

The output above shows the help message for the docker top command. It specifies the proper usage, describes the command’s functionality, and lists the available options (in this case, only the --help option).


The docker top command is a valuable tool for inspecting the running processes inside a container. It allows you to monitor and analyze the behavior of containers, enabling efficient troubleshooting and performance optimization. By understanding the different use cases and options of this command, you can effectively leverage it in your Docker workflow.

Remember to use the docker top <container_id> command to view the running processes of a specific container, and docker top --help to access the command’s help message.

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