How to use the command doctl account (with examples)

How to use the command doctl account (with examples)

The doctl account command is a command line tool provided by DigitalOcean, a cloud infrastructure provider. This command allows users to retrieve information about their DigitalOcean accounts. The doctl account command provides various subcommands to perform different tasks related to account information.

Use case 1: Display account info


doctl account get

Motivation: By using the doctl account get command, users can quickly retrieve and display information about their DigitalOcean account. This information includes the account UUID, email address, and an indication if the account is active or not.

Explanation: The command doctl account get is used to retrieve information about the DigitalOcean account. It does not require any arguments or additional parameters.

Example output:

ID:           12345678
Status:       active

Use case 2: Show the hourly API limit, progress towards it, and when the rate limit resets


doctl account ratelimit

Motivation: This use case is useful for users who want to stay informed about their API rate limit with DigitalOcean. By using the doctl account ratelimit command, users can check their current usage and see how close they are to reaching the hourly limit and when the rate limit will reset.

Explanation: The command doctl account ratelimit provides information about the current rate limit, including the hourly API limit, the number of requests made in the current hour, and the time at which the rate limit will reset.

Example output:

Limit:    5000
Used:     142
Remaining: 4858
Reset:    2022-01-01T20:00:00Z

Use case 3: Display help


doctl account --help

Motivation: The doctl account --help command is useful for users who need help understanding the different subcommands and options available under the doctl account command.

Explanation: The command doctl account --help displays a help message that provides an overview of the doctl account command, including the available subcommands and their usage.

Example output:

  doctl account [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Get information about the account
  ratelimit   Get rate limit information for the account


The doctl account command provides a useful set of subcommands to retrieve and manage information related to DigitalOcean accounts. By using these subcommands, users can easily retrieve account information, check their API rate limit, and get help on how to use the doctl account command effectively.

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