How to use the command "doctl apps" (with examples)

How to use the command "doctl apps" (with examples)

This article provides examples for various use cases of the “doctl apps” command, which is used to manage DigitalOcean apps.

Use case 1: Create an app


doctl apps create

Motivation: Creating an app allows users to deploy their application to DigitalOcean quickly and easily. This command is used to create a new app.

Explanation: The “doctl apps create” command is used to create a new app. No arguments are required.

Example output:

Created app with ID: 12345678

Use case 2: Create a deployment for a specific app


doctl apps create-deployment app_id

Motivation: After creating an app, users may want to deploy their application to it. This command is used to create a new deployment for a specific app.

Explanation: The “doctl apps create-deployment” command is used to create a new deployment for a specific app. The “app_id” argument is the ID of the app for which the deployment is being created.

Example output:

Created deployment with ID: 98765432

Use case 3: Delete an app interactively


doctl apps delete app_id

Motivation: If a user no longer needs an app, they can delete it using this command. It prompts for confirmation before deleting the app.

Explanation: The “doctl apps delete” command is used to delete an app. The “app_id” argument is the ID of the app that should be deleted.

Example output:

Are you sure you want to delete the app with ID 12345678? (yes/no): yes
Deleted app with ID: 12345678

Use case 4: Get an app


doctl apps get

Motivation: This command allows users to retrieve information about a specific app.

Explanation: The “doctl apps get” command is used to get information about an app. No arguments are required.

Example output:

Name: Example App
ID: 12345678
Services: 2

Use case 5: List all apps


doctl apps list

Motivation: This command is used to list all the apps associated with the user’s DigitalOcean account.

Explanation: The “doctl apps list” command is used to list all the apps associated with the user’s account. No arguments are required.

Example output:

ID       Name          Services
123456   Example App   2
987654   Sample App    1

Use case 6: List all deployments from a specific app


doctl apps list-deployments app_id

Motivation: Users may want to see all the deployments for a specific app. This command provides a list of all the deployments associated with the given app.

Explanation: The “doctl apps list-deployments” command is used to list all the deployments associated with a specific app. The “app_id” argument is the ID of the app for which the deployments should be listed.

Example output:

ID       Status    Created At
123456   Success   2022-01-01T12:00:00Z
987654   Failed    2022-01-02T09:00:00Z

Use case 7: Get logs from a specific app


doctl apps logs app_id

Motivation: This command allows users to retrieve logs from a specific app, which can help with debugging and monitoring.

Explanation: The “doctl apps logs” command is used to retrieve logs from a specific app. The “app_id” argument is the ID of the app for which the logs should be retrieved.

Example output:

[2022-01-01 12:00:00] INFO: Application started
[2022-01-01 12:00:01] ERROR: Internal server error

Use case 8: Update a specific app with a given app spec


doctl apps update app_id --spec path/to/spec.yml

Motivation: This command allows users to update a specific app with a new app spec, which includes the configuration for the app.

Explanation: The “doctl apps update” command is used to update a specific app with a new app spec. The “app_id” argument is the ID of the app that should be updated, and the “–spec” option specifies the path to the app spec YAML file.

Example output:

Updated app with ID: 12345678


The “doctl apps” command provides a range of functionalities for managing DigitalOcean apps. From creating and deleting apps, to deploying and updating them, this command allows users to efficiently manage their applications on DigitalOcean.

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