How to Use the Command 'doctl balance' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'doctl balance' (with Examples)

The doctl balance command is a utility within the DigitalOcean Command Line Interface (CLI) that allows users to check the balance of their DigitalOcean accounts. This tool is particularly handy for users who need to monitor their account balance regularly without logging into the DigitalOcean web interface. The command fetches the current monetary balance of an account, providing information on the existing credit or outstanding charges. It’s a vital tool for developers and businesses managing cloud resources who need to ensure there are sufficient funds to maintain their services.

Use case 1: Get Balance of the Account Associated with the Current Context


doctl balance get

Motivation: The primary motivation for using doctl balance get without any additional arguments is the simplicity and speed with which you can retrieve your account balance. If you’re using the DigitalOcean CLI regularly and have set up your desired default context, this command becomes very convenient. It eliminates the need for additional parameters or context switching, ensuring efficiency and speed.


  • doctl: This is the command-line tool provided by DigitalOcean.
  • balance: This subcommand handles the information related to the account balance.
  • get: This action fetches and displays the balance information.

Example Output:

Balance: $100.00 USD
Month-To-Date Usage: $25.00 USD

In this example output, the balance reflects the total money available in your account, whereas the “Month-To-Date Usage” shows the expenses incurred for the current month.

Use case 2: Get the Balance of an Account Associated with an Access Token


doctl balance get --access-token access_token

Motivation: Using doctl balance get --access-token access_token is optimal when managing multiple accounts or dealing with different projects. Each account or project might be associated with a separate access token. By using this argument, you can easily fetch balance details without needing to switch users manually or reset the default context. It’s especially handy for developers working in team environments or handling multiple client accounts.


  • --access-token: This argument specifies that you are providing a particular access token. An access token is a secure way to identify and authenticate a specific DigitalOcean account, distinct from your default context.

Example Output:

Balance: $50.00 USD
Month-To-Date Usage: $10.00 USD

Here, the output would reflect the balance and current month’s usage for the account linked to the specified access token.

Use case 3: Get the Balance of an Account Associated with a Specified Context


doctl balance get --context your_context_name

Motivation: When managing environments with different contexts on DigitalOcean, such as development, testing, or production environments, it is essential to be aware of each context’s specific balance. The --context option is beneficial as it allows you to retrieve and monitor the balance for a specific context without altering the current context or global configuration.


  • --context: This parameter specifies that the CLI should use a particular context to fetch the balance information. Contexts in DigitalOcean CLI act like profiles, allowing you to easily switch between different settings or credentials.

Example Output:

Balance: $75.00 USD
Month-To-Date Usage: $30.00 USD

The output would illustrate the available balance and charges for the context specified, ensuring you keep track of expenditures associated with specific environments or projects.


The doctl balance command is a powerful tool for managing and monitoring your DigitalOcean resources directly from the terminal. Depending on your needs, it allows you to check the balance for your current context, use a specific access token, or specify a particular context, ensuring flexibility and control over your account management. By understanding and utilizing these different use cases, you can efficiently oversee your budget and resource allocation across various projects or teams.

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