How to use the command doctl balance (with examples)

How to use the command doctl balance (with examples)

The command “doctl balance” is used to show the balance of a Digital Ocean account. It provides information about the amount of credits available in the account.

Use case 1: Get balance of the account associated with the current context


doctl balance get

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly check the balance of the Digital Ocean account associated with your current context. It allows you to view the current amount of credits available in the account.


  • balance get: This subcommand retrieves the balance of the account.

Example output:

Account Balance: $100.00

Use case 2: Get the balance of an account associated with an access token


doctl balance get --access-token access_token

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to check the balance of a Digital Ocean account associated with an access token. It allows you to verify the amount of credits available in the account without changing the current context.


  • balance get: This subcommand retrieves the balance of the account.
  • --access-token access_token: This argument specifies the access token to use for authentication and authorization. Replace access_token with the actual access token value.

Example output:

Account Balance: $150.00

Use case 3: Get the balance of an account associated with a specified context


doctl balance get --context

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to check the balance of a Digital Ocean account associated with a specific context. It allows you to view the amount of credits available in a different account without changing the current context.


  • balance get: This subcommand retrieves the balance of the account.
  • --context: This argument specifies the name of the context to use. It allows you to switch to a different account and check its balance.

Example output:

Account Balance: $200.00


The “doctl balance” command is a convenient way to quickly check the balance of a Digital Ocean account. It provides flexibility by allowing you to view the balance of the current context, an account associated with an access token, or a specified context. By utilizing this command, you can easily keep track of the available credits in your Digital Ocean account.

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