Managing Read-only Replicas for DigitalOcean Databases (with examples)

Managing Read-only Replicas for DigitalOcean Databases (with examples)

DigitalOcean’s managed databases are a powerful tool for storing and retrieving data for your applications. One of the key features of these databases is the ability to create read-only replicas, which can help improve performance by offloading read traffic from the primary database. In this article, we will explore different use cases for managing read-only replicas using the doctl databases replica command. This command allows you to create, retrieve information about, list, and delete read-only replicas associated with a database cluster.

Use Case 1: Running doctl databases replica command with an access token


doctl databases replica command --access-token access_token

Motivation: By providing an access token, you can securely access and manage your read-only replicas for DigitalOcean databases. This helps ensure that only authorized individuals can perform these operations.


  • command: Replace this placeholder with the specific doctl databases replica command you want to run. This can be one of the following: get, list, create, or delete.
  • access_token: Replace this placeholder with the access token generated from the DigitalOcean Control Panel. Ensure that the access token has the necessary permissions to manage read-only replicas.

Example Output:

$ doctl databases replica list my-database
ID                                                      Name                 Created At                  Status
6adeb155-c975-4de0-908f-a9a172ed494c                      replica-1           2021-02-22T10:15:24Z             online

Use Case 2: Retrieving information about a read-only database replica


doctl databases replica get database_id replica_name

Motivation: Fetching details about a specific read-only replica can be useful when troubleshooting and monitoring the performance of your database cluster. This command allows you to view information such as the replica’s ID, status, and creation timestamp.


  • database_id: Replace this placeholder with the ID of the database cluster to which the replica belongs. You can find this ID by running the doctl databases list command.
  • replica_name: Replace this placeholder with the name of the read-only replica you want to retrieve information about.

Example Output:

$ doctl databases replica get my-database replica-1
ID: 6adeb155-c975-4de0-908f-a9a172ed494c
Name: replica-1
Created At: 2021-02-22T10:15:24Z
Status: online

Use Case 3: Retrieving a list of read-only database replicas


doctl databases replica list database_id

Motivation: Managing multiple read-only replicas can be challenging, especially when you have a large-scale application with high read traffic. This command allows you to get an overview of all the existing replicas associated with a specific database cluster, making it easier to monitor their status and resources.


  • database_id: Replace this placeholder with the ID of the database cluster for which you want to retrieve a list of read-only replicas. You can find this ID by running the doctl databases list command.

Example Output:

$ doctl databases replica list my-database
ID                                                      Name                 Created At                  Status
6adeb155-c975-4de0-908f-a9a172ed494c                      replica-1           2021-02-22T10:15:24Z             online
75cff81c-41e4-4d45-8fc0-f4fd19d23831                      replica-2           2021-02-23T08:20:10Z             online

Use Case 4: Creating a read-only database replica


doctl databases replica create database_id replica_name

Motivation: Creating a read-only replica allows you to distribute the read traffic across multiple instances, reducing the load on your primary database. This can significantly improve the performance and scalability of your application. By using this command, you can easily create a replica and specify a name for it.


  • database_id: Replace this placeholder with the ID of the database cluster for which you want to create a read-only replica. You can find this ID by running the doctl databases list command.
  • replica_name: Replace this placeholder with a unique name for the replica you want to create.

Example Output:

$ doctl databases replica create my-database replica-2
Database read-only replica 'replica-2' created successfully.

Use Case 5: Deleting a read-only database replica


doctl databases replica delete database_id replica_name

Motivation: Occasionally, you may need to remove a read-only replica from your database cluster. This could be due to cost-saving measures, redundancy changes, or performance optimization. By using this command, you can easily delete a specific read-only replica.


  • database_id: Replace this placeholder with the ID of the database cluster from which you want to delete a read-only replica. You can find this ID by running the doctl databases list command.
  • replica_name: Replace this placeholder with the name of the replica you want to delete.

Example Output:

$ doctl databases replica delete my-database replica-2
Database read-only replica 'replica-2' deleted successfully.

By understanding and utilizing these different use cases for managing read-only replicas, you can effectively optimize the performance and scalability of your DigitalOcean database clusters. Whether it’s retrieving information, creating new replicas, or removing existing ones, the doctl databases replica command provides you with the necessary tools to manage your database replicas efficiently.

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