How to use the command "doctl databases sql-mode" (with examples)

How to use the command "doctl databases sql-mode" (with examples)

The “doctl databases sql-mode” command allows users to view and configure MySQL database clusters’ global SQL modes on DigitalOcean. SQL modes are used to enforce specific behaviors and functionality in MySQL.

Use case 1: Run a doctl databases sql-mode command with an access token


doctl databases sql-mode command --access-token access_token

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to run the doctl databases sql-mode command with an access token. The access token allows you to authenticate and authorize your commands, ensuring that the requested action is performed only by authorized users.


  • doctl databases sql-mode command: This is the base command for accessing and managing MySQL database cluster’s global SQL modes.
  • --access-token access_token: This flag is used to provide the access token required to authenticate and authorize the command.

Example output:

Name          Value

Use case 2: Get a MySQL database cluster’s SQL modes


doctl databases sql-mode get database_id

Motivation: You would want to run this command to retrieve the current SQL modes configured for a specific MySQL database cluster. This information is useful for troubleshooting and understanding the behavior of the database cluster.


  • doctl databases sql-mode get: This subcommand allows you to view the SQL modes of a MySQL database cluster.
  • database_id: This argument represents the unique identifier of the database cluster for which you want to retrieve the SQL modes.

Example output:

Name          Value

Use case 3: Overwrite a MySQL database cluster’s SQL modes to the specified modes


doctl databases sql-mode set database_id sql_mode_1 sql_mode_2 ...

Motivation: You may need to modify the SQL modes of a MySQL database cluster to fit the specific requirements of your application. This use case allows you to customize the SQL modes by specifying the desired modes to be set.


  • doctl databases sql-mode set: This subcommand allows you to change the SQL modes of a MySQL database cluster.
  • database_id: This argument represents the unique identifier of the database cluster for which you want to modify the SQL modes.
  • sql_mode_1 sql_mode_2 ...: These arguments represent the SQL modes that you want to set for the database cluster. You can specify multiple modes separated by spaces.

Example output:

Successfully set SQL modes for database_id.


The “doctl databases sql-mode” command provides a convenient way to view, retrieve, and modify the SQL modes of MySQL database clusters on DigitalOcean. Whether you need to check the current modes, retrieve information, or customize the SQL modes to fit your application’s requirements, the doctl databases sql-mode command has got you covered.

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