How to use the command 'doctl kubernetes cluster' (with examples)

How to use the command 'doctl kubernetes cluster' (with examples)

This article will illustrate various use cases of the doctl kubernetes cluster command, which is used to manage Kubernetes clusters and view configuration options relating to clusters. The doctl kubernetes cluster command is a powerful tool for managing and interacting with Kubernetes clusters on the DigitalOcean platform.

Use case 1: Create a Kubernetes cluster


doctl kubernetes cluster create --count 3 --region nyc1 --size s-1vcpu-2gb --version latest cluster_name

Motivation: The create subcommand allows you to create a new Kubernetes cluster with the specified configuration options. In this example, we are creating a cluster with 3 worker nodes, located in the “nyc1” region, using the “s-1vcpu-2gb” size droplet and the latest available Kubernetes version.


  • --count 3: Specifies the number of worker nodes in the cluster.
  • --region nyc1: Specifies the region where the cluster should be created.
  • --size s-1vcpu-2gb: Specifies the size of each worker node in the cluster.
  • --version latest: Specifies the Kubernetes version to use for the cluster.
  • cluster_name: Specifies the name of the cluster.

Example output:

Created cluster "cluster_name" with ID "abc123".

Use case 2: List all Kubernetes clusters


doctl kubernetes cluster list

Motivation: The list subcommand allows you to retrieve a list of all the Kubernetes clusters associated with your DigitalOcean account. This can be useful for quickly checking the status and details of your clusters.

Example output:

ID        Name            Region    Version    AutoUpgrade    Status     Nodes
abc123    cluster_name    nyc1      1.21.3     true           running    3
def456    other_cluster   nyc3      1.21.3     true           running    5

Use case 3: Fetch and save the kubeconfig


doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save cluster_name

Motivation: The kubeconfig save subcommand allows you to retrieve the kubeconfig file for the specified Kubernetes cluster and save it locally. The kubeconfig file contains the necessary information and credentials to authenticate and interact with the cluster using kubectl.

Example output:

Saved kubeconfig for cluster "cluster_name" to "/path/to/kubeconfig".

Use case 4: Check for available upgrades


doctl kubernetes cluster get-upgrades cluster_name

Motivation: The get-upgrades subcommand allows you to check for available Kubernetes upgrades for the specified cluster. This can be useful for staying up-to-date with the latest Kubernetes versions and features.

Example output:

cluster_name    1.22.0, 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.20.10

Use case 5: Upgrade a cluster to a new Kubernetes version


doctl kubernetes cluster upgrade cluster_name

Motivation: The upgrade subcommand allows you to upgrade the specified Kubernetes cluster to a new version. Upgrading to a newer Kubernetes version can provide bug fixes, security patches, and new features.

Example output:

Upgraded cluster "cluster_name" to version 1.22.0.

Use case 6: Delete a cluster


doctl kubernetes cluster delete cluster_name

Motivation: The delete subcommand allows you to delete a Kubernetes cluster, freeing up resources and terminating any associated worker nodes. This can be useful when you no longer need a cluster or want to start fresh with a new one.

Example output:

Deleted cluster "cluster_name".


The doctl kubernetes cluster command is a versatile tool for managing Kubernetes clusters on the DigitalOcean platform. With various subcommands, it provides a range of functionalities from creating and listing clusters to upgrading and deleting them. These use cases demonstrated the power and flexibility of the doctl kubernetes cluster command.

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