How to use the Dolphin command (with examples)

How to use the Dolphin command (with examples)

Dolphin is KDE’s file manager that allows users to manage files and directories. It provides a graphical interface for file operations and navigation, making it easy to organize and work with files on a KDE desktop environment.

Use case 1: Launch the file manager



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to open Dolphin to explore your files and directories.

Explanation: Running the dolphin command without any arguments launches the Dolphin file manager.

Example output: Dolphin window opens up, displaying the default location (usually the user’s home directory).

Use case 2: Open specific directories


dolphin path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...

Motivation: This use case allows you to open specific directories directly in Dolphin, without navigating through the file hierarchy manually.

Explanation: By providing the paths to one or more directories as arguments to the dolphin command, Dolphin will open each directory in a separate tab.

Example output: Dolphin opens with tabs for each specified directory, showing the contents of each directory.

Use case 3: Open with specific files or directories selected


dolphin --select path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...

Motivation: This use case enables you to open Dolphin with specific files or directories already selected.

Explanation: The --select option followed by the paths of the desired files or directories allows Dolphin to open with those items pre-selected.

Example output: Dolphin opens with the specified files or directories selected, ready for further operations like copying or moving.

Use case 4: Open a new window


dolphin --new-window

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to open Dolphin in a new window separate from an already running instance.

Explanation: The --new-window option instructs Dolphin to open in a new window, even if Dolphin is already running.

Example output: Dolphin opens in a new window, leaving any existing Dolphin windows unaffected.

Use case 5: Open specific directories in split view


dolphin --split path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2

Motivation: This use case allows you to open specific directories side by side in Dolphin’s split view, making it easier to compare or move files between them.

Explanation: The --split option followed by the paths to the directories opens Dolphin in split view with each directory displayed in its own pane.

Example output: Dolphin opens in a split view layout with the specified directories side by side.

Use case 6: Launch the daemon


dolphin --daemon

Motivation: The Dolphin daemon is required to use the DBus interface, which can be useful in some advanced scripting and automation scenarios.

Explanation: Running the --daemon option starts the Dolphin daemon in the background, allowing access to the DBus interface.

Example output: The Dolphin daemon starts silently in the background, ready to handle requests from other applications via DBus.

Use case 7: Display help


dolphin --help

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need a quick reference to Dolphin’s command-line options and their descriptions.

Explanation: The --help option provides a brief summary of the available command-line options for Dolphin.

Example output: Dolphin displays detailed information about its command-line options, including explanations of each option’s functionality.


The Dolphin command provides a range of options for effectively managing files and directories on a KDE desktop environment. These use cases cover various scenarios such as opening specific directories, selecting files or directories, opening in a new window, or even starting the Dolphin daemon for DBus interactions. Understanding these use cases will enhance your productivity and efficiency when working with files and directories using Dolphin.

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