How to Use the Dolt Blame Command (with examples)

How to Use the Dolt Blame Command (with examples)

The Dolt Blame command is a powerful tool that allows users to view commit information for each row of a Dolt table. It can be particularly useful for tracking changes and understanding the history of a dataset. In this article, we will explore three different use cases of the Dolt Blame command and provide examples for each.

Use case 1: Display the latest commit for each row of a table


dolt blame table


This use case is handy when you want to examine the latest commit for each row of a specific table. It can provide insights into the changes made to the dataset and help identify the author of each modification. This information can be useful for auditing purposes or when troubleshooting data-related issues.


  • dolt blame: This is the command to invoke the Dolt Blame functionality.
  • table: Replace “table” with the name of the table you want to examine. It’s important to note that table names are case-sensitive.

Example output:

The output will display a table with the commit information for each row. It will include the commit hash, author, date, and any associated commit message.

| Commit Hash     | Author          | Date                | Message                                      |
| --------------- | --------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| 6f5b7d18107...  | John Doe        | 2021-07-15 10:23:01 | Updated customer names                        |
| 4a3c3806b5e...  | Jane Smith      | 2021-07-14 15:58:42 | Added new inventory items                     |
| 2a258bf2b89...  | John Doe        | 2021-07-13 09:42:12 | Fixed pricing calculations                    |
| 1b431a8eb67...  | Emily Johnson   | 2021-07-13 07:30:19 | Initial import of customer data from CSV       |
| cdfab2d9f03...  | Jane Smith      | 2021-07-12 16:20:57 | Created new table for sales transactions       |

Use case 2: Display the latest commits for each row of a table when the specified commit was made


dolt blame commit table


In some cases, you may want to investigate the changes made to a specific table at a given commit. This use case allows you to view the commit history for each row of the table, filtered by a particular commit. It’s useful when you want to understand the state of the dataset at a certain point in time.


  • dolt blame: This is the command to invoke the Dolt Blame functionality.
  • commit: Replace “commit” with the commit hash you want to examine. It should be a valid commit hash from the Dolt repository.
  • table: Replace “table” with the name of the table you want to inspect. Again, table names are case-sensitive.

Example output:

The output will show a table with the commit information for each row, but only for the specified commit. It will contain the commit hash, author, date, and commit message associated with that particular commit.

| Commit Hash     | Author          | Date                | Message                                      |
| --------------- | --------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| 6f5b7d18107...  | John Doe        | 2021-07-15 10:23:01 | Updated customer names                        |
| 4a3c3806b5e...  | Jane Smith      | 2021-07-14 15:58:42 | Added new inventory items                     |
| 2a258bf2b89...  | John Doe        | 2021-07-13 09:42:12 | Fixed pricing calculations                    |
| 1b431a8eb67...  | Emily Johnson   | 2021-07-13 07:30:19 | Initial import of customer data from CSV       |
| cdfab2d9f03...  | Jane Smith      | 2021-07-12 16:20:57 | Created new table for sales transactions       |

Use case 3: View help


dolt blame --help


Sometimes, you may need a quick reminder of the available options and usage of the Dolt Blame command. This use case allows you to access the built-in help documentation directly from the command line.


  • dolt blame: This is the command to invoke the Dolt Blame functionality.
  • --help: This option displays the help information for the command.

Example output:

The output will present detailed information about the command, including the available flags, arguments, and their respective descriptions.

Usage: dolt blame [options] <table name>

Displays commit information for each row of a Dolt table.

  --help   Show this help message and exit.


The Dolt Blame command is a versatile tool that provides detailed commit information for each row of a Dolt table. With its ability to display the latest commits and track changes over time, it becomes an essential command for auditing, troubleshooting, and historical analysis of your data. By understanding and utilizing the different use cases presented in this article, you can harness the power of the Dolt Blame command to its fullest potential.

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