Understanding the Command 'dolt commit' (with examples)

Understanding the Command 'dolt commit' (with examples)

The dolt commit command is an essential feature of Dolt, a version-controlled database that brings the power of Git to data. Dolt allows users to track changes made to their tables, similar to how Git manages changes in source code. The dolt commit command is used to save staged changes to the database with a commit message. It’s a vital step in maintaining version control, ensuring that any modifications to database tables are documented, reversible, and collaboratively manageable.

Use case 1: Commit all staged changes opening the editor specified by $EDITOR to enter the commit message


dolt commit

This use case is helpful for those who prefer writing detailed commit messages or for when changes need to be closely documented with considerations, justifications, or references. By opening the default editor specified by the $EDITOR environment variable, users can input rich, multiline commit messages, providing contextual information about the changes made.


  • dolt commit: This command in its simplest form will open the default text editor for you to write out a commit message. Making commits without specifying a message directly is crucial for comprehensive documentation.

Example Output:

Launching your editor...
[dolt] Committed changes with hash: abc1234

Use case 2: Commit all staged changes with the specified message


dolt commit --message "Added new feature to improve data accuracy"

This approach is beneficial when you have a clear, concise message explaining the changes. It saves time compared to opening an editor by allowing the user to directly input a message in the command line interface. This form is suitable for common or smaller changes which do not require detailed exposition.


  • --message: This flag allows you to specify the commit message directly in the command. The text within the quotes becomes the message that will accompany the commit in the version history.

Example Output:

[dolt] Committed changes with hash: def5678

Use case 3: Stage all unstaged changes to tables before committing


dolt commit --all

This use case is convenient when you have altered multiple tables and want to encompass all those changes in one cohesive commit without manually staging each change. It ensures all current modifications are captured, preventing unintentional omissions of changes.


  • --all: This flag stages all unstaged changes in tables before committing them, similar to adding all modified files in Git before a commit.

Example Output:

Staged changes.
[dolt] Committed changes with hash: ghi8910

Use case 4: Use the specified ISO 8601 commit date


dolt commit --date "2021-12-31T00:00:00"

This is useful for backdating commits if you’re inputting data or changes that occurred at a specific point in time, or for organization and reporting purposes where commit times should match an external timeline or schedule.


  • --date: This flag lets you specify a commit date in the ISO 8601 format, overriding the current date and time.

Example Output:

Commit date set to 2021-12-31T00:00:00.
[dolt] Committed changes with hash: jkl1122

Use case 5: Use the specified author for the commit


dolt commit --author "Jane Doe <jane.doe@example.com>"

This is instrumental in collaborative environments where team members’ contributions need attribution, or if you’re committing on behalf of another user. Assigning the correct author helps preserve accurate attribution records for accountability and collaboration tracking.


  • --author: This option sets a specific author for the commit, using the format Name <email> to identify the committer accurately.

Example Output:

Author set to Jane Doe <jane.doe@example.com>.
[dolt] Committed changes with hash: mno3344

Use case 6: Allow creating an empty commit, with no changes


dolt commit --allow-empty

An empty commit can be a strategic placeholder, serving as a marker for significant points in a project, or to log specific events or decisions that didn’t involve direct table alterations. This allows maintainers to record progress or organizational notes within the version history.


  • --allow-empty: This flag allows creating a commit even if no changes have been staged, enabling users to create a log entry without accompanying data changes.

Example Output:

Empty commit created.
[dolt] Committed changes with hash: pqr5566

Use case 7: Ignore foreign key warnings


dolt commit --force

In some cases, foreign key constraints could prevent a commit when data dependencies haven’t been addressed. This option allows you to commit changes anyway, which can be necessary when restructuring data or correcting schema inconsistencies.


  • --force: This option forces the commit even if there are warnings related to foreign key constraints, bypassing the usual checks.

Example Output:

Foreign key warnings ignored.
[dolt] Committed changes with hash: stu7788


The dolt commit command is a powerful tool within Dolt’s version-controlled database functionality, enabling users to manage and document changes meticulously. By understanding and applying the various options available, users can facilitate precise data management and collaborate more effectively. Whether you’re working on simple changes or coordinating a complex update with a team, utilizing the right dolt commit use case ensures your database version control remains robust and adaptable.

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