How to use the command "dolt fetch" (with examples)

How to use the command "dolt fetch" (with examples)

The “dolt fetch” command is used to download objects and refs from another repository. It allows users to fetch the latest changes from a remote upstream repository, update branches with the current state of the remote, and overwrite any conflicting history.

Use case 1: Fetch the latest changes from the default remote upstream repository (origin)


dolt fetch

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to update your local repository with the latest changes from the default remote upstream repository. It ensures that your local copy is synchronized with the remote repository.

Explanation: The “dolt fetch” command without any arguments fetches the latest changes from the default remote upstream repository, which is usually named “origin”. It downloads the objects (commits, trees, etc.) and updates the refs (branches and tags) associated with the remote repository.

Example output:

Fetching changes from origin...

Use case 2: Fetch latest changes from a specific remote upstream repository


dolt fetch remote_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have multiple remote upstream repositories and you want to fetch the latest changes from a specific one. It allows you to update your local repository with the changes from that particular remote repository.

Explanation: In this use case, you need to specify the name of the remote upstream repository you want to fetch changes from. The “dolt fetch” command then downloads the objects and updates the refs associated with that remote repository.

Example output:

Fetching changes from remote_name...

Use case 3: Update branches with the current state of the remote, overwriting any conflicting history


dolt fetch -f

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to forcefully update your local branches with the current state of the remote, irrespective of any conflicting history. It allows you to overwrite your local branches with the changes from the remote repository.

Explanation: The “-f” option stands for “force” and is used to update branches, even if they have conflicting history with the remote repository. The “dolt fetch -f” command downloads the objects and updates the refs associated with the remote repository, overwriting conflicting history in the local branches.

Example output:

Fetching changes from origin...
Overwriting conflicting history...


The “dolt fetch” command is a powerful tool for fetching changes from remote repositories and updating your local repository accordingly. It provides flexibility to fetch changes from different remote repositories and can even overwrite conflicting history if needed. By using this command effectively, you can keep your local repository up to date and ensure synchronization with remote repositories.

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