How to Use the Command 'doppler run' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'doppler run' (with Examples)

The doppler run command allows users to execute commands with sensitive configuration data securely injected into the environment. By utilizing Doppler as a secrets manager, developers can avoid hard-coding sensitive credentials into their code or environment. This method enhances security and simplifies management across different environments. Below, we’ll explore several practical use cases of this command, each serving a different purpose within a development or deployment workflow.

Use Case 1: Run a Command


doppler run --command echo "Hello, World!"

Motivation: At its core, this use case demonstrates how the Doppler CLI can execute standard commands with environment variables containing secrets. This scenario is commonly used to run commands that depend on configuration settings not explicitly set in local or server environments.


  • doppler run: Engages the Doppler CLI to inject secrets into the session’s environment variables.
  • --command: Flags the Doppler CLI to execute the following command with the configured environment injectibles.
  • echo "Hello, World!": The command being executed, which, in this simple example, is a basic terminal output command, simulating an application or script using environment secrets.

Example Output:

Hello, World!

Use Case 2: Run Multiple Commands


doppler run --command 'echo "Command 1 Execution"' && echo "Command 2 Execution"

Motivation: Often, complex workflows involve executing multiple commands sequentially. This use case exemplifies using the Doppler CLI to maintain security while running such chained processes, each potentially reliant on secure environment information.


  • doppler run: Initializes the Doppler CLI with environment secrets ready.
  • --command: Focuses Doppler’s environment variable injections on the first command.
  • 'echo "Command 1 Execution"': The first command which demands environmental injections.
  • && echo "Command 2 Execution": Emphasizes subsequent sequential command execution without needing additional secret management for the already secured environment.

Example Output:

Command 1 Execution
Command 2 Execution

Use Case 3: Run a Script


doppler run path/to/

Motivation: Scripts are often utilized for setting up environments, deploying applications, or other critical tasks that require secure configuration data. This use case exhibits how easy it is to run complete scripts while ensuring all required secrets are securely injected.


  • doppler run: Activates the Doppler CLI’s secret management for the environment.
  • path/to/ Denotes the path to the script intended for execution, with the allowance of secrets application throughout its runtime.

Example Output: Assuming contains echo statements or similar, it might output:

Script has run with the environment from Doppler.

(Note: The actual output would depend on the contents of

Use Case 4: Run Command with Specified Project and Config


doppler run -p my_project -c dev_config -- ls

Motivation: This flexibility is critical for complex project environments where distinct setups are necessary based on different stages like development, testing, and production. By specifying project and configuration, users tailor their environment precisely to the needs of the task.


  • doppler run: Calls the Doppler CLI to interact with configurations.
  • -p my_project: Specifies which Doppler project to use for pulling secrets.
  • -c dev_config: Targets a specific configuration within the project, ensuring the proper environment setup.
  • -- ls: The command run, which lists directory contents, now enriched with the project’s environmental context.

Example Output: The result would list the contents of the directory, presuming a typical workflow setup:


Use Case 5: Automatically Restart Process When Secrets Change


doppler run --watch python

Motivation: Some applications necessitate constant uptime with the most up-to-date configurations. Utilizing the --watch feature ensures that if any Doppler configurations change, the process will automatically restart, aligning the application to the current state without requiring manual intervention.


  • doppler run: Sets the secret management in motion.
  • --watch: Incorporates a dynamic feature that listens for any secret changes, triggering application restarts automatically if shifts are detected.
  • python Reflects an application command, like starting a server or processing task that will now seamlessly adapt to any pertinent environment changes.

Example Output: The program output remains unchanged unless a secret update triggers a restart. Logs might display:

Starting app...
Changes detected; restarting app...
App restarted with new configurations.


The doppler run command is a versatile tool for securely managing environment variables through Doppler. These examples demonstrate its practical implementation in diverse scenarios, from executing single commands to maintaining application uptime. By integrating secrets management into various workflows, developers can ensure their applications remain safe, secure, and up-to-date with minimal effort.

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