How to use the command dotnet tool (with examples)

How to use the command dotnet tool (with examples)

The dotnet tool command allows users to manage .NET tools and search for published tools in NuGet. This command provides a set of functionalities that make it easier to install, update, uninstall, and list global tools, as well as search for tools in the NuGet package repository.

Use case 1: Install a global tool


dotnet tool install --global dotnetsay

Motivation: Installing a global tool allows you to use the tool within any project or solution on your machine without the need to explicitly reference it. In this example, the dotnetsay tool is installed globally.


  • install: Specifies that we want to install a tool.
  • --global: Indicates that we want to install the tool globally.
  • dotnetsay: The name of the tool to be installed.

Example output:

You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnetsay
Tool 'dotnetsay' (version '<version_number>') was successfully installed.

Use case 2: Install tools defined in the local tool manifest


dotnet tool restore

Motivation: Installing tools defined in the local tool manifest ensures that the required tools for a specific project are restored and available for use. This is particularly useful when sharing or collaborating on projects with other developers.


  • restore: Restores the tools defined in the local tool manifest for the current project.

Example output:

Restoring tool packages...
Tool 'dotnetsay' (version '<version_number>') was restored.

Use case 3: Update a specific global tool


dotnet tool update --global tool_name

Motivation: Updating a global tool ensures that you have the latest version with all the bug fixes and new features. This ensures that your tools are always up to date.


  • update: Specifies that we want to update a tool.
  • --global: Indicates that the tool to be updated is a global tool.
  • tool_name: The name of the tool to be updated.

Example output:

Tool 'dotnetsay' was successfully updated to version '<new_version_number>'.

Use case 4: Uninstall a global tool


dotnet tool uninstall --global tool_name

Motivation: Uninstalling a global tool allows you to remove it from your system and free up any resources it may be consuming. This is useful when you no longer need a particular tool or want to clean up your development environment.


  • uninstall: Specifies that we want to uninstall a tool.
  • --global: Indicates that the tool to be uninstalled is a global tool.
  • tool_name: The name of the tool to be uninstalled.

Example output:

Tool 'dotnetsay' was successfully uninstalled.

Use case 5: List installed global tools


dotnet tool list --global

Motivation: Listing installed global tools allows you to see all the tools that are installed globally on your machine. This is useful when you want to check which tools you have available for use.


  • list: Specifies that we want to list global tools.
  • --global: Indicates that the tools to be listed are global tools.

Example output:

dotnetsay <version_number>
other_tool <version_number>

Use case 6: Search tools in NuGet


dotnet tool search search_term

Motivation: Searching for tools in NuGet allows you to discover new tools or find specific tools based on specific search terms. This is useful when you’re looking for tools to enhance your development workflow or solve specific problems.


  • search: Specifies that we want to search for tools.
  • search_term: The term or keyword to search for in the NuGet package repository.

Example output:

Showing 1-10 of 30 results for search_term
dotnetsay <version_number>
other_tool <version_number>

Use case 7: Display help


dotnet tool --help

Motivation: Displaying help provides information about the available options and usage of the dotnet tool command. This is useful when you want to learn more about the available functionalities or need assistance with a specific command.


  • --help: Displays information about the command and its options.

Example output:

Usage: dotnet tool [options] [command]

  -h, --help          Show command line help.
  --version           Show version information.

  install             Installs a tool.
  list                Lists all installed tools.
  update              Updates a tool.
  uninstall           Uninstalls a tool.

Run 'dotnet tool <command> --help' for more information about a command.


The dotnet tool command is a powerful tool for managing .NET tools and searching for published tools in NuGet. By using this command, developers can easily install, update, uninstall, and list global tools, as well as search for new tools to enhance their development workflows.

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