How to use the command `doxygen` (with examples)

How to use the command `doxygen` (with examples)

Doxygen is a documentation system that is used to generate documentation for various programming languages. It can generate documentation from source code comments, allowing developers to easily create and maintain high-quality documentation for their projects.

Use case 1: Generate a default template configuration file Doxyfile


doxygen -g

Motivation: Generating a default template configuration file is useful when starting a new project and you want to quickly generate a configuration file without having to manually create one from scratch.

Explanation: The -g option tells Doxygen to generate a default template configuration file named Doxyfile in the current working directory.

Example Output:

Configuration file `Doxyfile' created.

Use case 2: Generate a template configuration file


doxygen -g path/to/config_file

Motivation: Generating a template configuration file at a specific location is useful when you want to have more control over the location and name of the configuration file.

Explanation: By providing the path/to/config_file argument, you can specify the location and name of the template configuration file that will be generated.

Example Output:

Configuration file `path/to/config_file' created.

Use case 3: Generate documentation using an existing configuration file


doxygen path/to/config_file

Motivation: Generating documentation using an existing configuration file allows you to customize the documentation generation process according to your project’s specific requirements.

Explanation: By providing the path/to/config_file argument, you can specify the location of an existing configuration file that will be used by Doxygen to generate the documentation.

Example Output:

Searching for Doxyfile ...
Found configuration file in `path/to/config_file'.


Doxygen is a powerful documentation system that can greatly simplify the process of generating documentation for your projects. Whether you need to generate a default template configuration file, customize the configuration file, or generate documentation using an existing configuration file, Doxygen provides a flexible and efficient solution.

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