How to use the command duc (with examples)

How to use the command duc (with examples)

The command ‘duc’ is a collection of tools for indexing, inspecting, and visualizing disk usage. It maintains a database of accumulated sizes of directories in the file system, allowing users to query this database or create graphs to visualize where data is located.

Use case 1: Indexing the /usr directory


duc index /usr

Motivation: Indexing the /usr directory allows users to gather information about the disk usage in the directory and its subdirectories. This can be useful for managing disk space and identifying files or directories that may be taking up excessive space.

Explanation: The ‘duc index’ command is used to index a directory and its subdirectories. In this case, the /usr directory is being indexed. The index is stored in the default database location, which is usually ~/.duc.db.

Example Output:

Indexing /usr ...
Done, indexed 50000 files and directories

Use case 2: Listing files and directories under /usr/local with relative file sizes in a graph


duc ls -Fg /usr/local

Motivation: Listing files and directories with relative file sizes can help identify the largest files or directories within a specified directory. This can be useful for finding files that are taking up excessive disk space and may need to be addressed.

Explanation: The ‘duc ls’ command is used to list files and directories. The ‘-Fg’ option is used to display the listing in a graph format with relative file sizes. In this case, the command is being run on the /usr/local directory.

Example Output:

DU  /usr/local
├── bin [1.2M]
├── etc [5.8M]
└── lib [10.4M]

Use case 3: Listing files and directories under /usr/local using treeview recursively


duc ls -Fg -R /usr/local

Motivation: Using the ‘-R’ option allows the ‘duc ls’ command to display the listing recursively, showing files and directories within subdirectories as well. This can provide a more comprehensive view of the disk usage in a directory.

Explanation: The ‘-R’ option is used to enable recursive listing. The output will display files and directories within the specified directory and all of its subdirectories. In this case, the command is being run on the /usr/local directory, and the listing is displayed in a graph format with relative file sizes.

Example Output:

DU  /usr/local
├── bin [1.2M]
├── etc [5.8M]
│   ├── config.ini [2.1M]
│   ├── preferences.ini [1.8M]
│   └── log [1.9M]
│       ├── debug.log [1.2M]
│       └── error.log [0.7M]
└── lib [10.4M]
    └── plugins [3.7M]
        ├── [1.2M]
        └── [2.5M]

Use case 4: Starting the graphical interface to explore the file system using sunburst graphs


duc gui /usr

Motivation: The graphical interface provided by ‘duc’ allows users to visually explore and analyze the disk usage in a specified directory. The sunburst graphs offer an intuitive representation of the hierarchy of directories and their sizes.

Explanation: The ‘duc gui’ command starts the graphical interface. The specified directory, in this case, /usr, is used as the starting point for exploration.

Example Output: A graphical interface will be opened, displaying a sunburst graph for the /usr directory and its subdirectories. Users can interact with the graph to explore the disk usage visually.

Use case 5: Running the ncurses console interface to explore the file system


duc ui /usr

Motivation: The ncurses console interface provided by ‘duc’ offers a text-based way to explore and navigate the file system, providing information about the disk usage along the way. This can be useful for users who prefer a command-line interface or for accessing the tool remotely.

Explanation: The ‘duc ui’ command starts the ncurses console interface. The specified directory, in this case, /usr, is used as the starting point for exploration.

Example Output: A console-based interface will be opened, displaying the disk usage information for the /usr directory and its subdirectories. Users can navigate through the directory structure and view detailed information about file sizes, helping to analyze the disk usage.

Use case 6: Dumping database info


duc info

Motivation: Dumping the database information can provide users with a summary of the indexed data. This can help in understanding the overall disk usage and making informed decisions about managing disk space.

Explanation: The ‘duc info’ command is used to dump the information from the database. It provides a summary of the indexed data, including the number of indexed files and directories, the total size, and other relevant information.

Example Output:

Database Info:
- Indexed Files: 50000
- Indexed Directories: 3000
- Total Size: 1.2 TB
- Last Index Time: 2022-01-01 12:00:00


The ‘duc’ command provides a set of powerful tools for indexing, inspecting, and visualizing disk usage. By leveraging these tools, users can gain insights into their file systems, identify areas of high disk usage, and make informed decisions to manage their storage efficiently. Whether using the command line or the graphical interface, ‘duc’ offers flexibility and versatility to meet diverse needs related to disk space management.

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