How to use the command dumpcap (with examples)

How to use the command dumpcap (with examples)

Dumpcap is a command-line packet capture tool that comes bundled with Wireshark, a widely used network protocol analyzer. It allows users to capture and analyze network traffic in real-time or save it to a file for later analysis. This article will provide examples of different use cases of the dumpcap command and explain each argument used.

Use case 1: Display available interfaces


dumpcap --list-interfaces

Motivation: Understanding the available network interfaces is essential before capturing network traffic. This command helps in identifying the interfaces on which packet capture is possible.

Explanation: The --list-interfaces option displays a list of available network interfaces on the system.

  • --list-interfaces: Prints the list of available network interfaces.

Example output:

1. eth0 (Ethernet)
2. wlan0 (Wi-Fi)

Use case 2: Capture packets on a specific interface


dumpcap --interface 1

Motivation: When it is necessary to capture network traffic from a specific network interface, specifying the interface by its index number is required. This command allows for capturing packets on a specific interface.

Explanation: The --interface option is used to specify the index number of the interface on which to capture packets. In this example, 1 represents the first network interface in the list of available interfaces.

Example output:

Capturing on 'eth0'

Use case 3: Capture packets to a specific location


dumpcap --interface 1 -w path/to/output_file.pcapng

Motivation: Saving network traffic to a specific file location allows for offline analysis using tools like Wireshark. It is useful for capturing packets for later examination and debugging.

Explanation: The -w option is used to specify the path and filename of the output file in which the captured packets will be saved. In this example, path/to/output_file.pcapng represents the desired file location.

Example output: No explicit output is shown when capturing packets. The captured packets are saved in the specified path/to/output_file.pcapng file.

Use case 4: Write to a ring buffer with a specific max file limit of a specific size


dumpcap --interface 1 -w path/to/output_file.pcapng --ring-buffer filesize:500000 --ring-buffer files:10

Motivation: Using ring buffers allows continuous capturing of network traffic with a maximum file size and maximum number of files to prevent disk space exhaustion. This is useful in situations where long-term packet capture is required, and available disk space is limited.

Explanation: The --ring-buffer filesize:<file_size> option sets the maximum size of the output file in bytes. In this example, 500000 bytes or 500KB is the specified maximum file size before creating a new file. The --ring-buffer files:<num_files> option sets the maximum number of files to be saved. In this example, 10 files are created before older files are overwritten.

Example output: No explicit output is shown when capturing packets. The captured packets are saved in multiple files within the specified limit.


The dumpcap command provides versatile options for capturing network traffic, saving it to files, and managing disk space limitations. By understanding the different use cases and arguments, users can effectively capture and analyze network traffic for troubleshooting, debugging, and security purposes.

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