How to use the command 'dvc checkout' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dvc checkout' (with examples)

dvc checkout is a command from the Data Version Control (DVC) tool, which is widely used in data science and machine learning projects to manage and version control large datasets. The dvc checkout command facilitates the retrieval of specific versions of data files and directories stored in DVC cache, ensuring that the workspace reflects the current state of the project’s data tracked by DVC. This functionality is particularly useful when switching branches or reverting to earlier versions of data in a collaborative environment.

Use Case 1: Checkout the latest version of all target files and directories


dvc checkout


In any data-driven project, datasets frequently undergo updates as new data becomes available, or corrections are necessary. Automatically tracking these changes ensures that all team members are working with the latest data. When a developer pulls the latest updates from a project’s repository, the dataset may be out of sync with the latest project state. Using the dvc checkout command simplifies the process by effortlessly aligning the project’s data files and directories with their most recent versions tracked by DVC, thereby ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of outdated or incorrect data being used in analysis or training models.


  • dvc: This part of the command calls the Data Version Control tool, which is installed and set up in the current environment.
  • checkout: This command checks out data files and directories from the cache. It aligns data in the workspace with the current DVC files, ensuring you have the appropriate versions checked out based on the current state of the DVC tracked files.

Example Output:

After executing the command, you may see outputs like:

Checking out 'data.csv' with version '1234567'.
Checking out 'model.pkl' with version '89abcde'.

This output indicates that specific files, such as data.csv and model.pkl, were checked out and updated to their latest versions tracked by DVC.

Use Case 2: Checkout the latest version of a specified target


dvc checkout target


Sometimes, data scientists and engineers might want to update or verify only a specific dataset or file within a larger project, especially in cases where only specific datasets are subject to frequent updates. For instance, if the project involves multiple datasets but only a particular one has changed, checking out just this dataset can save time by avoiding unnecessary data operations. This also conserves system resources and reduces bandwidth strain when working with large datasets or limited computational resources.


  • dvc: Calls the DVC tool.
  • checkout: Initiates the checkout process from the cache.
  • target: Specifies the particular target file or directory that needs to be checked out. This allows focused updates, catering to scenarios where only segments of data have been modified.

Example Output:

Upon executing this command targeting a specific file, you might see an output like:

Checking out 'data/target.csv' with version 'abcdef1'.

This indicates that the specific file data/target.csv was updated to the latest version tracked in DVC.

Use Case 3: Checkout a specific version of a target from a different Git commit/tag/branch


git checkout commit_hash|tag|branch target && dvc checkout target


Data and models often evolve alongside code. In collaborative projects, different branches may represent different versions of a model, data preprocessing steps, or experiments. When testing or reviewing the outcomes of specific experiments, one might need to revert not only the code but also the corresponding data version. This command allows data scientists to checkout a specific data version that correlates with a particular state of code, ensuring the reproducibility of experiments and accurate comparisons between versions.


  • git checkout: This command is used to switch branches or to switch to a specific commit in Git, preparing the environment to reflect the desired project state.
  • commit_hash|tag|branch: Denotes the specific commit, tag, or branch to which the user wants to switch.
  • target: The specific file or directory to be checked out.
  • &&: This is a command separator that ensures the second command runs if and only if the first command completes successfully.
  • dvc checkout target: After switching the code to the specified state, this updates the target data to match the state referenced by the selected Git commit/tag/branch.

Example Output:

When executing this command, the outputs may look like:

Switched to branch 'experiment-1'
Checking out 'results/experiment1_output.csv' with version 'fedcba9'.

This signifies that the Git branch was switched to experiment-1, and the data file results/experiment1_output.csv was checked out to the version associated with that branch.


The dvc checkout command is a powerful tool for managing data versions in complex projects, allowing seamless alignment between code and data states. Through its various use cases, it accommodates different scenarios—from updating entire datasets to targeting specific files or directories, thus enhancing collaboration and reproducibility in data-centric projects.

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