How to use the command 'dvc commit' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dvc commit' (with examples)

The ‘dvc commit’ command is used to record changes to DVC-tracked files in a project. It allows users to track modifications made to the data files and directories in a project, making it easier to reproduce results and collaborate with others. This article will provide examples of different use cases for the ‘dvc commit’ command.

Use case 1: Commit changes to all DVC-tracked files and directories


dvc commit

Motivation: Committing changes to all DVC-tracked files and directories is useful when multiple files have been modified and need to be recorded. By using this command, users can ensure that all the necessary changes are captured and can be easily reproduced in the future.


  • ‘dvc commit’: The main command that performs the commit operation.

Example output:

Committing changes... done

Use case 2: Commit changes to a specified DVC-tracked target


dvc commit target

Motivation: Sometimes, only a specific DVC-tracked target needs to be committed instead of all the files and directories. This can be useful when working on a large project with many files, but only a few have been modified and need to be recorded.


  • ‘dvc commit’: The main command that performs the commit operation.
  • ’target’: The specific DVC-tracked target that needs to be committed.

Example output:

Committing changes for target 'data/file.txt'... done

Use case 3: Recursively commit all DVC-tracked files in a directory


dvc commit --recursive path/to/directory

Motivation: When working with directories, it may be necessary to commit changes to all the DVC-tracked files within that directory and its subdirectories. This command allows users to easily record modifications made to multiple files in a specific directory structure.


  • ‘dvc commit’: The main command that performs the commit operation.
  • ‘–recursive’: Enables recursive mode, which commits changes to all DVC-tracked files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
  • ‘path/to/directory’: The path to the directory where the DVC-tracked files are located.

Example output:

Committing changes for files in 'path/to/directory' recursively... done


The ‘dvc commit’ command is a powerful tool for recording changes to DVC-tracked files and directories in a project. By using this command, users can ensure that modifications are properly tracked and can be reproduced in the future. Whether it’s committing changes to all files, specific targets, or files in a directory recursively, the ‘dvc commit’ command provides flexibility to accommodate various use cases.

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