How to Use the Command 'dvc commit' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'dvc commit' (with Examples)

The dvc commit command in Data Version Control (DVC) is designed to record changes made to data files tracked by DVC. It helps in maintaining the version history of datasets and models in a project, analogous to how git commit records changes in source code repositories. By committing these changes, users ensure consistency in their machine learning experiments and preserve the integrity of their data-driven projects. This command plays a crucial role in versioning data and models, enabling efficient collaboration and experiment reproducibility.

Use Case 1: Commit Changes to All DVC-Tracked Files and Directories


dvc commit


When working on data science or machine learning projects, datasets and models can frequently change as you experiment and iterate. To maintain the project’s integrity, it’s crucial to commit these changes, ensuring that your version control system reflects the current state of your work. The command dvc commit without any arguments commits changes across all DVC-tracked files and directories. This is particularly useful when you want to ensure that all your data dependencies within a project are up-to-date in one fell swoop, rather than having to specify them individually.


  • dvc commit: This is the primary command used to commit all changes to the data files that are tracked by the DVC in the current project. Without specifying a target, it works globally across the repository to ensure that any modifications to any DVC-tracked files are registered.

Example Output:

Stage 'data.dvc' didn't change.
Stage 'model.dvc' didn't change.
Input 'raw_data' of stage 'dfc.dvc' changed.
Running stage 'dfc.dvc':
> python

Use Case 2: Commit Changes to a Specified DVC-Tracked Target


dvc commit target


In some situations, you do not need to commit changes across the entire dataset or project. You might have made modifications to specific files or directories that you know are the only ones requiring an update. This approach not only saves time but also computational resources, as it prevents unnecessary checking and processing of unchanged files. Using dvc commit target, users can commit changes related to only certain DVC-tracked entities within their projects, such as a specific dataset or model file.


  • dvc commit: Initiates the commit operation.
  • target: This argument specifies the particular DVC-tracked file or directory whose changes are to be committed. This path must relate to an existing DVC file (usually with a .dvc extension) or a directory under DVC control.

Example Output:

Stage 'specific_data.dvc' didn't change.
Stage 'target_model.dvc' changed.
Running stage 'target_model.dvc':
> python

Use Case 3: Recursively Commit All DVC-Tracked Files in a Directory


dvc commit --recursive path/to/directory


Large projects often have nested directories containing datasets of varying purposes - raw data, processed data, models, etc. During development, modifications may happen at multiple levels of this hierarchy. With dvc commit --recursive, users can target an entire directory tree, committing all changes found within it. This saves time by avoiding manual specification of each file or sub-directory, ensuring that no changes are inadvertently missed.


  • dvc commit: The base command for committing changes.
  • --recursive: This option tells DVC to look through the specified directory and its sub-directories, committing any changes found within them. It’s particularly important for handling complex directory structures.
  • path/to/directory: The root directory from which the recursive search and commit operation will begin. This needs to be a valid path within the project’s data hierarchy.

Example Output:

Processing changes in directory: 'nested/data/directory/'
Stage 'nested/data/directory/data_stage1.dvc' didn't change.
Stage 'nested/data/directory/data_stage2.dvc' changed.
Running stage 'nested/data/directory/data_stage2.dvc':
> python


The dvc commit command is an essential tool in the toolkit of data scientists and machine learning practitioners who aim to maintain a robust version control system for large datasets and model versions. Through its capacity to commit changes universally, selectively, or recursively within directories, it provides flexibility tailored to workflow needs. These capabilities ensure that data-driven projects can maintain an accurate history of experiments, fostering better collaboration and reproducibility in machine learning endeavors.

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