How to Use the dvc Command (with Examples)

How to Use the dvc Command (with Examples)

Data Version Control (DVC) is a versatile tool designed to manage machine learning processes and facilitate data science collaboration. Just as Git helps with versioning code, DVC is tailored to help data scientists version control their datasets, models, and experiments. This capability enables teams to easily reproduce experiments, track changes in large datasets, and collaborate seamlessly on machine learning projects. Below are some specific use cases demonstrating how to use various DVC commands.

Use Case 1: Execute a DVC Subcommand


dvc init

Motivation: The primary motivation for executing a DVC subcommand, like init, is to set up DVC in a project repository. When you begin a new project or wish to integrate DVC’s versioning capabilities into an existing project, initializing DVC lays down the necessary files and directories, establishing a starting point to track data and model changes.


  • dvc: This is the main command for Data Version Control, signaling that you want to execute a DVC-specific operation.
  • init: This subcommand initializes a new DVC repository within your project folder. It creates a .dvc directory, which will store metadata and configuration related to DVC.

Example Output:

Initializing 'dvc' inside the project

Use Case 2: Display General Help


dvc --help

Motivation: Understanding the full range of capabilities that DVC offers can be overwhelming initially. By displaying general help, new users can get an overview of all available commands and their respective purposes, which can be crucial in navigating through DVC’s functionalities efficiently.


  • dvc: The main command to use DVC functionalities.
  • --help: This argument requests a summary of all available DVC commands, offering a brief description for each. It’s a standard option in command-line tools to assist users in understanding command structures and available options.

Example Output:

usage: dvc [-h] [-q | -v] command ...

DVC - Data Version Control

positional arguments:
  command    Use `dvc COMMAND --help` for command-specific help.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           Be quiet.
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.

Use Case 3: Display Help About a Specific Subcommand


dvc add --help

Motivation: As you become more familiar with DVC, you might need detailed explanations of specific subcommands. Displaying help for a specific subcommand, like add, equips users with detailed information about the available options and use cases, which aids in efficient workflow execution.


  • dvc: Indicates we’re executing a DVC command.
  • add: This subcommand is used to add a data file or directory to version control with DVC.
  • --help: Appending --help causes DVC to show detailed documentation for the add subcommand rather than executing it, elucidating available options and scenarios where the command can be applied.

Example Output:

usage: dvc add [-h] [-q | -v] [-f <path>] [--to-remote] [<path> ...]

Adds data files or a directory to DVC

Use Case 4: Display Version


dvc --version

Motivation: Keeping software up-to-date is a critical component of any project. Displaying the current version of DVC helps ensure that your project employs the latest features and security patches available. Knowing the version also assists in troubleshooting scenarios when functionalities vary between versions.


  • dvc: The principal command to engage with the DVC tool.
  • --version: This flag directs DVC to display the currently installed version number, instead of performing any data operation.

Example Output:



These examples provide insights into using DVC’s diverse set of commands for data management workflows. From initializing a project to seeking help about specific functionalities, these use cases illustrate how DVC aids machine learning practitioners in version controlling their data and models. The ability to track and reproduce experiments not only enhances individual productivity but also fosters collaborative synergy across teams. Embracing tools like DVC can significantly facilitate and streamline the burgeoning field of data science.

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