How to use the command 'dvc dag' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dvc dag' (with examples)

The dvc dag command allows you to visualize the pipeline(s) defined in your dvc.yaml file. It provides a visual representation of the pipeline stages and their dependencies, helping you understand the workflow and identify any issues.

Use case 1: Visualize the entire pipeline


dvc dag

Motivation: Visualizing the entire pipeline is useful when you want to get an overview of the workflow defined in your dvc.yaml file. It helps you see the relationships between stages and understand the flow of data within your pipeline.

Explanation: The dvc dag command without any arguments will generate a visualization of the entire pipeline defined in your dvc.yaml file. It will display the pipeline stages as nodes and the dependencies between stages as edges in the graph.

Example output:

      |     end     |
   |    stage_3.dvc    |
   |    stage_2.dvc    |
   |    stage_1.dvc    |
   |    stage_0.dvc    |
     |     start     |

Use case 2: Visualize the pipeline stages up to a specified target stage


dvc dag target

Motivation: When dealing with large pipelines, it can be overwhelming to visualize the entire workflow. By specifying a target stage, you can focus on a specific part of the pipeline and understand its dependencies.

Explanation: The dvc dag command with the target argument will generate a visualization of the pipeline stages up to the specified target stage. It will display only the stages that are necessary to reach the target stage.

Example output:

             |  stage_3.dvc|
        |      stage_2.dvc       |
        |      stage_1.dvc       |
        |      stage_0.dvc       |
              |   start   |

Use case 3: Export the pipeline in the dot format


dvc dag --dot > path/to/

Motivation: Exporting the pipeline visualization in the dot format allows you to further manipulate and customize the generated graph. It provides more flexibility in terms of styling and integration with other graph rendering tools.

Explanation: The dvc dag command with the --dot option will generate the pipeline visualization in the dot format. The dot format is a plain text graph description language that is widely supported by various graph visualization tools. By redirecting the output to a file, you can then use the generated dot file in other graph visualization workflows.

Example output (

digraph {
    "start" -> "stage_0.dvc";
    "stage_0.dvc" -> "stage_1.dvc";
    "stage_1.dvc" -> "stage_2.dvc";
    "stage_2.dvc" -> "stage_3.dvc";
    "stage_3.dvc" -> "end";


The dvc dag command is a powerful tool for visualizing the pipeline defined in your dvc.yaml file. It provides an intuitive representation of the workflow, helping you understand the dependencies between stages. Whether you want to visualize the entire pipeline or focus on specific parts, the dvc dag command has you covered. Additionally, exporting the visualization in the dot format allows for further customization and integration with other graph rendering tools.

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