How to use the command 'e4defrag' (with examples)

How to use the command 'e4defrag' (with examples)

The ’e4defrag’ command is designed to defragment an ext4 filesystem. Defragmentation is the process of rearranging the data on a filesystem to optimize performance and improve disk space utilization. This command can be particularly useful for ext4 filesystems that have become significantly fragmented over time.

Use case 1: Defragment the filesystem


e4defrag /dev/sdXN


The motivation for defragmenting a filesystem is to improve performance by reducing disk seek times. When a filesystem becomes fragmented, files are stored in non-contiguous blocks on the disk. This can lead to slower file access times as the disk head has to move across the disk to retrieve data. By running the ’e4defrag’ command, the filesystem can be reorganized to store files in contiguous blocks, reducing disk seek times and improving overall performance.


  • ’e4defrag’ is the command name.
  • ‘/dev/sdXN’ is the path to the ext4 filesystem that needs to be defragmented. Replace ‘XN’ with the appropriate device and partition numbers for your system.

Example output:

Pass 1: xxx files (xx/xxxx blocks)
Pass 2: xxx files (xx/xxxx blocks)
Pass x: x files (x/xxxx blocks)
Defragmentation complete. Filesystem is now optimized.

Use case 2: See how fragmented a filesystem is


e4defrag -c /dev/sdXN


Understanding the level of fragmentation on a filesystem can help determine whether defragmentation is necessary. By analyzing the fragmentation count, you can assess the current state of the filesystem and make informed decisions about whether defragmentation is required.


  • ‘-c’ is the argument for the command to perform a fragmentation check.
  • ‘/dev/sdXN’ is the path to the ext4 filesystem that needs to be checked for fragmentation. Replace ‘XN’ with the appropriate device and partition numbers for your system.

Example output:

Fragmentation count: xxx

Use case 3: Print errors and the fragmentation count before and after each file


e4defrag -v /dev/sdXN


Printing errors and fragmentation counts before and after each file can provide additional information about the defragmentation process. This can be useful for troubleshooting and understanding any potential issues that may arise during the defragmentation process.


  • ‘-v’ is the argument for the command to print verbose output, including errors and fragmentation counts.
  • ‘/dev/sdXN’ is the path to the ext4 filesystem that needs to be defragmented. Replace ‘XN’ with the appropriate device and partition numbers for your system.

Example output:

Defragmenting file: /path/to/file1
Before defragmentation: Fragmentation count: xx
After defragmentation: Fragmentation count: x
Defragmenting file: /path/to/file2
Before defragmentation: Fragmentation count: xx
After defragmentation: Fragmentation count: x
Defragmentation complete. Filesystem is now optimized.


The ’e4defrag’ command provides a simple and effective way to defragment ext4 filesystems. By utilizing the various arguments, you can defragment the filesystem, check for fragmentation, and obtain additional information about the defragmentation process. This command can help improve the performance and disk space utilization of ext4 filesystems, resulting in a more efficient and optimized system.

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