Using the ebuild command (with examples)
- Linux
- November 5, 2023
The ebuild command is a low-level interface to the Gentoo Portage system. It allows users to manage packages by creating or updating package manifests, cleaning build directories, fetching sources, compiling sources, installing packages, and merging temporary files to the live filesystem. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the ebuild command and provide code examples for each use case.
1: Create or update the package manifest
To create or update the package manifest for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild manifest
Motivation: Creating or updating the package manifest is important to ensure that the package is built correctly and all dependencies are met.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Creating Manifest...
>>> Done.
2: Clean the temporary build directories
To clean the temporary build directories for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild clean
Motivation: Cleaning the temporary build directories is useful when you want to start a fresh build without any previously compiled files.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Cleaning temporary build directories...
>>> Done.
3: Fetch sources if they do not exist
To fetch sources if they do not exist for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild fetch
Motivation: Fetching sources is necessary to ensure that all required source files for the package are available before the compilation process.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Fetching sources...
>>> Source file fetched: source.tar.gz
4: Extract the sources to a temporary build directory
To extract the sources to a temporary build directory for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild unpack
Motivation: Extracting the sources to a temporary build directory allows for further manipulation and compilation of the source files.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Extracting sources to a temporary build directory...
>>> Done.
5: Compile the extracted sources
To compile the extracted sources for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild compile
Motivation: Compiling the extracted sources is necessary to generate the executable or installable files for the package.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Compiling sources...
>>> Done.
6: Install the package to a temporary install directory
To install the package to a temporary install directory for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild install
Motivation: Installing the package to a temporary install directory allows for testing and verification of the package before permanently installing it on the system.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Installing the package to a temporary install directory...
>>> Done.
7: Install the temporary files to the live filesystem
To install the temporary files to the live filesystem for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild qmerge
Motivation: Installing the temporary files to the live filesystem ensures that the package is available for use by the system and other applications.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Installing the temporary files to the live filesystem...
>>> Done.
8: Fetch, unpack, compile, install, and qmerge the specified ebuild file
To perform all the necessary steps (fetch, unpack, compile, install, and qmerge) for a build file, use the following command:
ebuild path/to/file.ebuild merge
Motivation: Performing all the steps in a single command is convenient when you want to automate the build process or when you are confident that all dependencies are met.
Explanation of arguments:
- path/to/file.ebuild: The path to the ebuild file.
Example output:
>>> Fetching sources...
>>> Extracting sources to a temporary build directory...
>>> Compiling sources...
>>> Installing the package to a temporary install directory...
>>> Installing the temporary files to the live filesystem...
>>> Done.
By using the ebuild command with the different use cases described above, you can effectively manage packages in the Gentoo Portage system. Whether you need to create or update package manifests, clean build directories, fetch sources, compile and install packages, or merge temporary files to the live filesystem, the ebuild command provides the necessary functionality to accomplish these tasks efficiently.