How to use the command "ect" (with examples)

How to use the command "ect" (with examples)

Efficient Compression Tool (ect) is a file optimization tool written in C++. It supports the compression of .png, .jpg, .gzip, and .zip files. The tool offers various options and commands to compress files with different compression levels, apply multithreading, compress files recursively in directories, keep the original modification time, and strip metadata.

Use case 1: Compress a file


ect path/to/file.png

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to compress a single file to reduce its size. Compressed files take up less storage space and are quicker to transfer.

Explanation: The command ect is followed by the path to the file you want to compress. In this example, path/to/file.png represents the path to the file you want to compress. The file must be in one of the supported formats: .png, .jpg, .gzip, or .zip.

Example output: The specified file will be compressed, and the output file will be saved in the same directory with the extension changed to .ect. For example, if the original file was file.png, the compressed file would be file.ect.

Use case 2: Compress a file with specified compression level and multithreading


ect -9 --mt-deflate path/to/

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to have more control over the compression process. Setting a specific compression level and using multithreading can result in better compression or faster compression, depending on your requirements.

Explanation: The -9 flag indicates the compression level. In this case, -9 corresponds to the slowest (best) compression level. The --mt-deflate flag enables multithreading, which utilizes multiple processors or cores to accelerate the compression process. Here, path/to/ represents the path to the file you want to compress, which must be in the .zip format.

Example output: The specified file will be compressed using the specified compression level and multithreading settings. The compressed file will be saved in the same directory with the extension changed to .ect.

Use case 3: Compress all files in a directory recursively


ect -recurse path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to compress all files in a directory, including all files in its subdirectories. It saves time by compressing multiple files at once.

Explanation: The -recurse flag is used to indicate that the compression should be applied recursively to all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories. path/to/directory represents the path to the directory containing the files you want to compress.

Example output: All files in the specified directory and its subdirectories will be compressed. Each compressed file will be saved in the same directory with the extension changed to .ect.

Use case 4: Compress a file, keeping the original modification time


ect -keep path/to/file.png

Motivation: This use case is handy when you want to preserve the original modification time of the file. It can be useful in scenarios where the modification time is critical, such as when sorting files by their last modification date.

Explanation: The -keep flag is used to instruct ect to keep the original modification time of the file after compression. path/to/file.png represents the path to the file you want to compress, which must be in one of the supported formats: .png, .jpg, .gzip, or .zip.

Example output: The specified file will be compressed while keeping its original modification time. The compressed file will be saved in the same directory with the extension changed to .ect.

Use case 5: Compress a file, stripping metadata


ect -strip path/to/file.png

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to reduce the file size further by removing metadata associated with the file. Stripping metadata can be beneficial in scenarios where the metadata is not required for the file’s function or when the file will be used in low-bandwidth environments.

Explanation: The -strip flag is used to instruct ect to strip the metadata of the file during compression. path/to/file.png represents the path to the file you want to compress, which must be in one of the supported formats: .png, .jpg, .gzip, or .zip.

Example output: The specified file will be compressed while removing its metadata. The compressed file will be saved in the same directory with the extension changed to .ect.


The Efficient Compression Tool (ect) provides a versatile set of options to compress files efficiently. By following the provided examples, you can compress single files, compress files with specified compression levels and multithreading, compress entire directories recursively, preserve the original modification time, and remove metadata from files. Experimenting with different options can help you find the optimal compression settings for your specific needs, whether it’s reducing storage space or improving file transfer speed.

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