How to use the command ego (with examples)

How to use the command ego (with examples)

The command “ego” is Funtoo’s official system personality management tool. It provides various functionalities such as synchronizing the Portage tree, updating the bootloader configuration, reading a Funtoo wiki page, printing the current profile, enabling/disabling mix-ins, and querying Funtoo bugs related to a specified package.

Use case 1: Synchronize the Portage tree


ego sync


Synchronizing the Portage tree is essential for keeping the system up to date with the latest software packages and their dependencies. This ensures that users have access to the latest software versions and bug fixes.


The command “ego sync” is used to synchronize the Portage tree. This command fetches the latest version of the Portage tree from the Funtoo repository and updates the local copy on the user’s system. It ensures that the user has the most recent information about available software packages and their metadata.

Example output:

>>> Synchronizing repository 'gentoo' into '/var/git/meta-repo/kits/core-kit'
       Updating portage cache -> '/var/git/meta-repo/kits/core-kit'
---> Performing sanity check on ebuild manifests
---> Running action sync for kits/core-kit...
Updating /var/git/meta-repo/kits/core-kit ...
From git://
   3e469cd9..a5a617c7  master     -> origin/master
 * [new tag]  ->

Use case 2: Update the bootloader configuration


ego boot update


Updating the bootloader configuration is necessary when making changes to the system that require updating the boot process. This includes installing a new kernel, changing the boot order, or modifying other boot-related settings.


The command “ego boot update” is used to update the bootloader configuration. It ensures that the bootloader (such as GRUB or LILO) is aware of any changes made to the system that affect the boot process. This command typically re-generates the bootloader configuration file based on the system’s current state.

Example output:

Updating boot entries for Funtoo Linux...
Generating grub cfg boot/grub/grub.cfg using kernel autoconfiguration
Generating linux kernel configuration at boot/etc/boot.conf...
Autoconfig file found, skipping...
Evaluating autodetect prior to update...
Adding Funtoo Linux to boot entries...
Populating grub menu configuration file: /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Use case 3: Read a Funtoo wiki page by name


ego doc wiki_page


Reading a Funtoo wiki page by name allows users to access relevant documentation and resources about specific topics. This is helpful when users need to understand how to use certain software, troubleshoot issues, or learn about recommended practices.


The command “ego doc wiki_page” is used to read a Funtoo wiki page by providing its name as an argument. This command fetches the specified wiki page and displays its content in the terminal. It allows users to quickly access and navigate the Funtoo wiki documentation without opening a web browser.

Example output:

This example output is intentionally left blank, as it would vary depending on the specific wiki page being requested.

Use case 4: Print current profile


ego profile show


Printing the current profile provides users with information about their system’s configuration and the active profile. This is useful when troubleshooting issues or verifying that the correct profile is being used.


The command “ego profile show” is used to print the current profile. It displays information about the active Funtoo profile, including its name, parent profile, and any mix-ins that are enabled. This command helps users verify their system’s configuration and ensure that the correct profile is being utilized.

Example output:

=== profile ===
Profile name: funtoo/1.4/linux-gnu/mix-ins/gnome
Parent profile: funtoo/1.4/linux-gnu/flavor/core
=== enabled mix-ins ===
  [1] gnome
  [2] xorg
  [3] audio
  [4] video_cards_intel
  [5] graphical-login

Use case 5: Enable/Disable mix-ins


ego profile mix-in +gnome -kde-plasma-5


Enabling or disabling mix-ins allows users to customize their system’s behavior and installed software packages. This is beneficial when users want to add or remove specific features, such as a desktop environment or a specific set of packages.


The command “ego profile mix-in” is used to enable or disable mix-ins. The “+gnome” argument enables the “gnome” mix-in, while the “-kde-plasma-5” argument disables the “kde-plasma-5” mix-in. Mix-ins represent collections of USE flags and other configuration settings that define specific system features and package selections.

Example output:

Successfully changed profile mix-ins. Profile has been regenerated.
New enabled mix-ins:
  [1] gnome
New disabled mix-ins:
  [1] kde-plasma-5


ego query bug package


Querying Funtoo bugs related to a specified package allows users to identify known issues, bug reports, and discussions related to that package. This can help users troubleshoot problems, learn about workarounds, or contribute to resolving the reported issues.


The command “ego query bug package” is used to query Funtoo bugs related to a specified package. It fetches bug reports and discussions associated with the given package and displays them in the terminal. Users can browse this information to gain insights into known issues and their status.

Example output:

Found 5 bug reports related to 'package':
1. Bug #12345: Crash when executing command X
   Status: Open
   Priority: High
2. Bug #23456: Memory leak in package Y
   Status: Closed
   Priority: Medium
3. Bug #34567: Compatibility issue with library Z
   Status: Assigned
   Priority: Low
4. Bug #45678: Incorrect behavior when parameter A is set
   Status: Resolved
   Priority: High
5. Bug #56789: Feature request - improve performance of function B
   Status: Open
   Priority: Medium


The “ego” command is a versatile tool for managing various aspects of Funtoo Linux systems. It provides functionalities such as synchronizing the Portage tree, updating the bootloader configuration, accessing documentation, managing profiles, enabling/disabling mix-ins, and querying bug reports. Understanding and utilizing these use cases can enhance the user experience and system management capabilities in Funtoo Linux.

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