How to use the command 'elixir' (with examples)

How to use the command 'elixir' (with examples)

Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It runs on the Erlang VM, which has fine-tuned performance characteristics for running low-latency distributed systems. Elixir excels at simplifying coding for highly parallel and distributed systems and brings meta-programming with macros to the mainstream.

Use case 1: Running an Elixir file


elixir path/to/file


Often, when developing applications in Elixir, you’ll write code across multiple files. To execute a program, you need a way to run this code. Using the elixir command, you can easily execute your Elixir script directly from the command line. This capability allows you to quickly test and run your applications, aiding in efficient development workflows. For example, if you have a file that calculates Fibonacci numbers, you can run and test the script immediately using this command.


  • elixir: This is the command-line interface for the Elixir programming language. It’s responsible for compiling and executing Elixir code.
  • path/to/file: This is the relative or absolute path to your Elixir script. This file typically contains a series of Elixir functions and expressions that you want to execute. The elixir command reads and runs the code contained in this file.

Example Output:

If you have a file hello_world.exs containing the code IO.puts "Hello, World!", and you run elixir hello_world.exs, you will see:

Hello, World!

Use case 2: Evaluating Elixir code by passing it as an argument


elixir -e "code"


During development, there are times when you need to quickly test a line or small block of Elixir code. Instead of creating an entire file for a few lines of code, you can use the -e flag to evaluate code directly from the command line. This feature is particularly useful for small snippets, quick calculations, or debugging without the overhead of managing separate files.


  • elixir: As mentioned, this is the command-line tool for running Elixir code.
  • -e: This is a command-line flag that tells Elixir you want to evaluate the following string as Elixir code. It acts as an indicator that what follows is direct code execution rather than a file.
  • "code": This is the string of Elixir code that you wish to execute. You may include any valid Elixir expressions or function calls. The command will execute the provided code and then terminate.

Example Output:

If you execute the code elixir -e "IO.puts Enum.sum(1..10)", it will calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to 10 and output:



Utilizing the elixir command is essential for any developer working with the Elixir programming language, whether you’re running an entire file of code or simply evaluating a few lines. These functions streamline development processes, from simple debugging tasks to running full-scale applications, demonstrating Elixir’s versatility and robust execution environment. By understanding these use cases, developers can efficiently manage and execute Elixir code, enhancing productivity and fostering a deeper understanding of the language’s capabilities.

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