How to use the command "elvish" (with examples)

How to use the command "elvish" (with examples)

Elvish is an expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell. It provides a powerful and intuitive way to interact with the system and write scripts. In this article, we will explore how to start an interactive shell session, execute specific commands, and run a specific script using the “elvish” command.

Use case 1: Start an interactive shell session




Starting an interactive shell session allows you to directly interact with the Elvish shell and execute commands in real-time. This is useful for testing commands, exploring the language features, and experimenting with different functionalities provided by Elvish.


The command elvish without any arguments starts an interactive shell session, where you can enter commands and see the output immediately. It launches the Elvish shell and provides a prompt for you to input commands.

Example output:

elvish 0.15
> echo "Hello, Elvish!"
Hello, Elvish!

In the example output, we started an interactive Elvish shell session. Then, we executed the command echo "Hello, Elvish!", which printed the message “Hello, Elvish!” as the output.

Use case 2: Execute specific commands


elvish -c "echo 'elvish is executed'"


Sometimes, you may need to execute specific commands without starting an interactive session. This use case is useful for automating tasks, running Elvish commands from other scripts, or incorporating Elvish commands into larger scripts or workflows.


The -c option allows you to provide a specific command as a string argument to the Elvish shell. The provided command will be executed, and the output will be displayed in the terminal.

Example output:

elvish is executed

In the example output, we executed the command echo 'elvish is executed' using the -c option. This command prints the message “elvish is executed” as the output.

Use case 3: Execute a specific script


elvish path/to/script.elv


Elvish supports writing scripts in its own scripting language. If you have a specific Elvish script that you want to execute, you can use this use case to run the script directly from the command line.


To execute a specific Elvish script, provide the path to the script file as an argument to the elvish command. Elvish will read the script file, execute the commands within it, and display the output in the terminal.

Example output:

Script executed successfully!

In the example output, we executed the script path/to/script.elv, which printed the message “Script executed successfully!” as the output.


The “elvish” command provides a variety of use cases for interacting with the Elvish shell and executing commands. Whether you want to start an interactive session, run specific commands, or execute scripts, Elvish offers a powerful and flexible environment for working with an expressive programming language and an interactive shell.

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