How to use the command 'ember' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ember' (with examples)

The ember command-line utility is used for creating and maintaining Ember.js applications. It provides a set of commands for various tasks such as creating a new Ember application, building the project, running the development server, and more.

Use case 1: Create a new Ember application


ember new my_new_app


Creating a new Ember application is the first step when starting a new project. Using the ember new command, you can quickly generate the file structure and setup the necessary configuration files for your application.


  • ember new: This command is used to create a new Ember application.
  • my_new_app: The name of the application you want to create.

Example output:

installing app blueprint
  create .editorconfig
  create .ember-cli
  create .npmrc
  create .travis.yml
  create .watchmanconfig

Use case 2: Create a new Ember addon


ember addon my_new_addon


Creating an Ember addon allows you to package and share reusable functionality with other Ember applications. With the ember addon command, you can easily scaffold a new addon project.


  • ember addon: This command is used to create a new Ember addon.
  • my_new_addon: The name of the addon you want to create.

Example output:

installing addon blueprint
  create .editorconfig
  create .ember-cli
  create .npmrc
  create .travis.yml

Use case 3: Build the project


ember build


Building the project compiles the source code, assets, and templates into a production-ready form. This is necessary before deploying the application.


  • ember build: This command is used to build the Ember project.

Example output:

Build successful (xxxxxxxxms) – Serving on http://localhost:4200/

Use case 4: Build the project in production mode


ember build -prod


Building the project in production mode is optimized for performance and removes development-specific code. This results in a smaller bundle size and improved loading times.


  • ember build: This command is used to build the Ember project.
  • -prod: A flag used to specify that the build should be done in production mode.

Example output:

Build successful (xxxxxxxxms) – Serving on http://localhost:4200/

Use case 5: Run the development server


ember serve


Running the development server allows you to preview your Ember application locally during development. It automatically rebuilds and reloads the application whenever changes are made.


  • ember serve: This command is used to start the Ember development server.

Example output:

Build successful (xxxxxxxxms) – Serving on http://localhost:4200/

Use case 6: Run the test suite


ember test


Running the test suite is essential to ensure the quality and correctness of your Ember application. It executes all the tests defined in your project and provides feedback on their status.


  • ember test: This command is used to run the Ember test suite.

Example output:

ok 1 PhantomJS 2.X - JSHint - .jshintrc
ok 2 PhantomJS 2.X - JSHint - app-jshint
ok 3 PhantomJS 2.X - JSHint - tests-jshint

Use case 7: Run a blueprint to generate something like a route or component


ember generate type name


Generating blueprints helps to scaffold various parts of an Ember application, such as routes, components, models, and more. It saves time by automatically generating the required files and boilerplate code.


  • ember generate: This command is used to generate a particular type of blueprint.
  • type: The type of blueprint you want to generate, such as route, component, model, etc.
  • name: The name of the blueprint you want to generate.

Example output:

installing addon blueprint
  create app/routes/my-route.js
  create app/templates/my-route.hbs

Use case 8: Install an ember-cli addon


ember install name_of_addon


Installing an ember-cli addon allows you to extend the functionality of your Ember application with third-party libraries, tools, or frameworks. This can be extremely helpful to add features not provided by default in Ember.


  • ember install: This command is used to install an ember-cli addon.
  • name_of_addon: The name of the addon you want to install.

Example output:

installing ember-moment
  create .ember-cli
  create .ember-cli.js


The ember command-line utility provides a comprehensive set of commands for creating and maintaining Ember.js applications. From scaffolding new projects to building and testing them, ember streamlines the development process and boosts productivity. Whether you are creating a new application, adding new features, or running tests, these examples demonstrate the versatility and power of the ember command.

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