How to use the command 'enca' (with examples)

How to use the command 'enca' (with examples)

The ’enca’ command is a powerful tool used to detect and convert the encoding of text files. It can be especially useful when dealing with files that have been encoded in different character sets or when the same file needs to be converted to a different encoding.

Use case 1: Detect file(s) encoding according to the system’s locale


enca path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: Understanding the encoding of text files is crucial for the proper interpretation and display of the content. By using the ’enca’ command to detect the encoding of a file, you can ensure that it is correctly displayed or further processed.

Explanation: The command begins with ’enca’, followed by the path(s) to the file(s) you want to detect the encoding for. Multiple file paths can be specified to analyze multiple files at once.

Example output:

/path/to/file1: UTF-8
/path/to/file2: ISO-8859-1

Use case 2: Detect file(s) encoding specifying a language in the POSIX/C locale format


enca -L language path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: The ’enca’ command allows you to specify the language to narrow down the possible encodings for better accuracy. This can be beneficial when dealing with multilingual text files.

Explanation: To specify the language, use the ‘-L’ flag followed by the language in the POSIX/C locale format (e.g., zh_CN for Simplified Chinese, en_US for American English). Follow the language option with the file(s) path to detect the encoding for those particular files.

Example output:

/path/to/file1: UTF-8
/path/to/file2: GBK

Use case 3: Convert file(s) to a specific encoding


enca -L language -x to_encoding path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: Sometimes, it is necessary to convert files from one encoding to another. This could be due to compatibility issues between systems or when you need the file to be in a certain encoding for further processing.

Explanation: To convert file(s) to a specific encoding, use the ‘-L’ flag followed by the language and the ‘-x’ flag followed by the desired encoding. Specify the file path(s) of the file(s) you want to convert.

Example output:

/path/to/file1: converted successfully to UTF-8
/path/to/file2: converted successfully to UTF-8

Use case 4: Create a copy of an existing file using a different encoding


enca -L language -x to_encoding < original_file > new_file

Motivation: Creating a copy of a file using a different encoding can be useful when you want to preserve the original file while having a version that can be properly interpreted or processed in a specific encoding.

Explanation: The command consists of ’enca’ followed by the flags ‘-L’ and ‘-x’ to specify the language and the desired encoding, respectively. Use a redirection operator ‘<’ to take the input from the original file and another redirection operator ‘>’ to save the converted copy to a new file.

Example output: A new file named ’new_file’ will be created with the converted content from ‘original_file’ using the specified encoding.


The ’enca’ command provides a convenient way to detect and convert the encoding of text files. By using it, you can ensure that the content is correctly interpreted or processed in the desired encoding. Whether you need to detect the encoding, convert files, or create copies with different encodings, ’enca’ is a valuable tool in your command-line arsenal.

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