How to use the command enum4linux (with examples)

How to use the command enum4linux (with examples)

Enum4linux is a tool used for enumerating Windows and Samba information from remote systems. It helps with gathering important information about user accounts, shares, and the operating system. This article will illustrate several use cases of the enum4linux command.

Use case 1: Try to enumerate using all methods


enum4linux -a remote_host

Motivation: Using the -a option allows enum4linux to run all enumeration methods available. This can be useful when conducting a full scan of a remote system to gather as much information as possible.


  • enum4linux: The command itself.
  • -a: Specifies that all enumeration methods should be used.
  • remote_host: The target remote host.

Example output:

[*] Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on remote_host
[*] Getting domain SID for remote_host
[*] Performing password brute force on all users
... (output continues)

Use case 2: Enumerate using given login credentials


enum4linux -u user_name -p password remote_host

Motivation: The -u and -p options are used to provide specific login credentials. This can be helpful when you have valid credentials for a system and want to enumerate that particular user’s information.


  • enum4linux: The command itself.
  • -u: Specifies the username for authenticating to the remote_host.
  • -p: Specifies the password for authenticating to the remote_host.
  • remote_host: The target remote host.

Example output:

[*] Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on remote_host
[*] Getting domain SID for remote_host
[*] Performing password brute force on user_name
... (output continues)

Use case 3: List usernames from a given host


enum4linux -U remote_host

Motivation: Using the -U option retrieves a list of usernames from the target remote host. This can be useful when conducting a reconnaissance phase to gather information about potential user accounts.


  • enum4linux: The command itself.
  • -U: Specifies that only user enumeration should be performed.
  • remote_host: The target remote host.

Example output:

[*] Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on remote_host
[*] Getting domain SID for remote_host
[*] Found user: user1
[*] Found user: user2
... (output continues)

Use case 4: List shares


enum4linux -S remote_host

Motivation: The -S option is used to retrieve a list of shares available on the remote host. This allows you to identify shared resources and potentially gain access to them.


  • enum4linux: The command itself.
  • -S: Specifies that only share enumeration should be performed.
  • remote_host: The target remote host.

Example output:

[*] Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on remote_host
[*] Getting domain SID for remote_host
[*] Found share: Share1
[*] Found share: Share2
... (output continues)

Use case 5: Get OS information


enum4linux -o remote_host

Motivation: Using the -o option allows you to gather information about the operating system running on the remote host. This can be crucial for understanding the target environment and planning further actions.


  • enum4linux: The command itself.
  • -o: Specifies that only OS information should be retrieved.
  • remote_host: The target remote host.

Example output:

[*] Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on remote_host
[*] Getting domain SID for remote_host
[*] OS Information: Windows Server 2016


Enum4linux is a powerful tool for enumerating Windows and Samba information from remote systems. It provides various options to gather specific information such as usernames, shares, and OS details. By utilizing the different use cases outlined in this article, you can conduct a thorough enumeration of a target system, collect valuable information, and make informed decisions during your security assessment or penetration testing efforts.

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