Using the `env` Command (with examples)

Using the `env` Command (with examples)

The env command in Linux allows you to either view the current environment variables or run a program in a modified environment. This article will explore different use cases of the env command and provide code examples for each use case.

Use Case 1: Show the Environment

To view the current environment variables, simply execute the env command:


Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to check the environment variables set on your system. By using the env command, you can easily view all the environment variables currently available.

Example Output:


Use Case 2: Run a Program

To run a program in the current environment, use the env command with the name of the program as an argument:

env program

Motivation: Using the env command before running a program allows you to run the program even if its executable path is not specified or is not in your system’s default path. This is commonly used in scripts after the shebang (#!) to ensure the correct program is executed.

Example Output:

Hello World!

Use Case 3: Clear the Environment and Run a Program

To clear the environment variables and run a program, use the -i option followed by the name of the program:

env -i program

Motivation: Clearing the environment variables can be useful when you want to run a program in an isolated environment, without any interference from the current environment variables.

Example Output:

Hello World!

Use Case 4: Remove Variable from the Environment and Run a Program

To remove a specific variable from the environment and run a program, use the -u option followed by the name of the variable, and then specify the name of the program:

env -u variable program

Motivation: Removing a specific variable from the environment ensures that the program being executed will not access the value of that variable. This can be handy when you want to isolate the program from a particular variable.

Example Output:

Hello World!

Use Case 5: Set a Variable and Run a Program

To set a specific variable and run a program in the modified environment, use the variable=value format before the name of the program:

env variable=value program

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to set a specific variable before running a program to provide the program with necessary information or to override an existing variable temporarily.

Example Output:

Value of variable: 5

Use Case 6: Set Multiple Variables and Run a Program

To set multiple variables and run a program in the modified environment, use the variable=value format for each variable before the name of the program:

env variable1=value1 variable2=value2 variable3=value3 program

Motivation: When running a program, you may need to set multiple variables in order to customize its behavior or provide it with necessary information. The env command allows you to set multiple variables easily.

Example Output:

Value of variable1: Hello
Value of variable2: World
Value of variable3: 123

By using the env command with its various options and arguments, you can easily interact with the environment variables in Linux and run programs in modified environments. Whether you need to view, modify, or isolate the environment, the env command offers flexibility and control.

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