Using the `eol` Command (with examples)

Using the `eol` Command (with examples)

The eol command is a handy tool for retrieving end-of-life dates (EoLs) for various products. It provides a simple and convenient way to get information about the lifespan of different products, which can be useful for planning upgrades or replacements.

Example 1: List all available products


Motivation: This command allows users to retrieve a list of all available products, which can serve as a reference for the available options to query end-of-life dates.

Explanation: The eol command without any arguments fetches a list of all available products and displays them in a readable format.

Example Output:

- Product A
- Product B
- Product C

Example 2: Get EoLs of one or more products

eol product1 product2 ...

Motivation: With this command, users can quickly obtain end-of-life dates for specific products, which is helpful for managing product lifecycles and making informed decisions about upgrades or replacements.

Explanation: By specifying the product names as arguments after the eol command, users can retrieve the corresponding end-of-life dates for those products.

Example Output:

Product A: 2022-12-31
Product B: 2023-06-30

Example 3: Open the product webpage

eol product --web

Motivation: This command provides a convenient way to quickly access the webpage dedicated to a specific product, where users can find additional information about it.

Explanation: By using the --web flag after specifying the product name, the eol command will automatically open the product’s webpage in a web browser.

Example Output:

The product’s webpage is opened in a new web browser tab.

Example 4: Get EoLs of one or more products in a specific format

eol product1 product2 ... --format html|json|md|markdown|pretty|rst|csv|tsv|yaml

Motivation: This command allows users to specify the desired format for the output of end-of-life dates, making it easier to integrate the information with other tools or systems.

Explanation: By adding the --format option followed by the desired format (e.g., html, json, markdown, etc.), users can retrieve the EoLs of one or more products in the specified format.

Example Output:

For the input: eol product1 product2 --format json

  "Product A": "2022-12-31",
  "Product B": "2023-06-30"

Example 5: Get EoLs of one or more products as a single markdown file

eol product1 product2 ... --format markdown >

Motivation: This command allows users to generate a comprehensive Markdown file containing the end-of-life dates of the specified products, which can serve as a report or documentation for future reference.

Explanation: By using the > symbol followed by the desired filename, users can redirect the output of the eol command to a file. This enables the creation of a single Markdown file containing the EoLs of the specified products.

Example Output:

The end-of-life dates of the specified products are saved in in Markdown format.

Example 6: Display help

eol --help

Motivation: When users need assistance or want to learn more about the available options, this command displays a help message that explains the usage and functionality of the eol command.

Explanation: By entering the --help option after the eol command, the command-line interface will display a helpful message providing information about the command’s usage, available options, and examples.

Example Output:

A help message containing information about the eol command and its available options is displayed in the command-line interface.

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