How to use the command 'eopkg' (with examples)

How to use the command 'eopkg' (with examples)

The eopkg command is a package manager for Solus. It allows users to install, update, and search for packages on the Solus operating system.

Use case 1: Install a specific package


sudo eopkg install package

Motivation: Installing a specific package can be useful when you need to add new software to your Solus system. This command will download and install the specified package along with its dependencies.


  • sudo: This is a command that allows the user to run other commands with administrative privileges.
  • eopkg: The package manager command for Solus.
  • install: Subcommand to specify that we want to install a package.
  • package: The name of the package to be installed.

Example output:

Packages to install:
  - package1
  - package2

Checking file system compatibility

Validating repository checksums

The following packages will be installed:
  - package1
  - package2

Please enter your administrator password (press Ctrl+C to abort): [enter password]

Downloading packages
Installing packages

Installation complete

Use case 2: Update all packages


sudo eopkg upgrade

Motivation: Keeping your system up to date is important for security and stability reasons. This command will upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions.


  • sudo: This is a command that allows the user to run other commands with administrative privileges.
  • eopkg: The package manager command for Solus.
  • upgrade: Subcommand to specify that we want to upgrade packages.

Example output:

Packages to upgrade:
  - package1 (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1)
  - package2 (2.3.4 -> 2.4.0)

Checking file system compatibility

Validating repository checksums

The following packages will be upgraded:
  - package1 (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1)
  - package2 (2.3.4 -> 2.4.0)

Please enter your administrator password (press Ctrl+C to abort): [enter password]

Downloading packages
Installing packages

Upgrade complete

Use case 3: Search for packages


sudo eopkg search search_term

Motivation: When you are looking for a specific package but are unsure of its exact name, this command can help you search for packages based on a given search term.


  • sudo: This is a command that allows the user to run other commands with administrative privileges.
  • eopkg: The package manager command for Solus.
  • search: Subcommand to specify that we want to search for packages.
  • search_term: The term to search for in the package names or descriptions.

Example output:

Searching for packages matching 'database'

Package: mongodb
  Description: A high-performance, open source, distributed document-oriented database.
Package: mysql
  Description: A relational database management system (RDBMS).
Package: postgresql
  Description: A powerful, open source object-relational database system.


The eopkg command is a powerful package manager for Solus that allows users to install, update, and search for packages. Whether you want to install a specific package, keep your system up to date, or search for packages, eopkg has got you covered.

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