Exploring the Use of the Command 'eselect news' (with examples)

Exploring the Use of the Command 'eselect news' (with examples)

The eselect news command is an essential tool for users of the Gentoo Linux distribution. It acts as a module that facilitates the reading and management of news items from Gentoo. These news items generally inform users about important updates, changes, or notifications regarding the system or software that might affect the user experience. Notably, Portage (the package management system for Gentoo) will display a notification when there is a synchronization of the repository and there are new unread news items waiting for the user’s review. This ensures that users are actively informed about significant changes that may require their attention.

Use case 1: Listing available news items with their numbers


eselect news list all|new


The ability to list all available news items is crucial for users who want to remain informed about potential updates or changes. By using this command, users can quickly ascertain which news items exist and which of those are new. This feature is particularly beneficial for system administrators or developers who need to keep track of changes without necessarily delving into detailed contents of each item initially.


  • eselect: This component of the command indicates that we are using the eselect tool, which is a modular management tool on Gentoo.
  • news: Specifies the module we are interacting with, in this case, the news module.
  • list: This action displays the list of news items.
  • all|new: The all argument lists all news items regardless of their read status, whereas new limits the list to only unread news items.

Example Output:

  [1]   2019-07-10  New profile features (open)
  [2]   2020-05-15  Python 3.8 installed by default (unread)
  [3]   2021-03-08  Deprecation of old-style init scripts (open)
  [4]   2023-01-01  Transition to a new repository (unread)

Use case 2: Printing specified news items


eselect news read number1 number2 ...


There are instances when a user wants to focus on specific news items that catch their interest or seem relevant based on their titles. Printing the contents of these specified news items allows users to directly access important information without browsing through all available items. This selective reading enhances efficiency, especially when dealing with a large number of news items.


  • eselect: The command line tool being used.
  • news: Indicates interaction with the news subsystem.
  • read: Initiates the action of printing the contents of specified items.
  • number1 number2 ...: These arguments represent the specific numbers assigned to news items that the user wishes to read.

Example Output:

Title: Python 3.8 Installed by Default
Date: 2020-05-15
Content: To streamline development processes, Python 3.8 will now be installed as the default version...

Use case 3: Printing all unread news items


eselect news read


This command is particularly useful for users who need to catch up on all the latest updates in one go. Given that keeping up with the latest changes can often be crucial for the proper maintenance and operation of a Gentoo system, reading all unread items enables users to acquire this knowledge comprehensively in a single session.


  • eselect: The Gentoo management tool in use.
  • news: Indicates the news module.
  • read: When used without further specification (no additional numbers), it defaults to reading all unread news items.

Example Output:

Title: Python 3.8 Installed by Default
Date: 2020-05-15
Content: To streamline development processes, Python 3.8 will now be installed as the default version...

Title: Transition to a New Repository
Date: 2023-01-01
Content: We are transitioning to a new repository structure to enhance package management...

Use case 4: Marking specified news items as unread


eselect news unread number1 number2 ...


There might be scenarios where a user accidentally marks a news item as read. To address this, the unread command allows users to reverse this action, making the item marked as unread again. This functionality is beneficial when users want to revisit previously read items or when they require reminders to address a crucial update at a later time.


  • eselect: Indicates the usage of the Gentoo-specific management tool.
  • news: Referring to the news subsystem.
  • unread: Directs the command to mark specified news items as unread.
  • number1 number2 ...: Specifies the news items to be marked unread, using their numbered identifiers.

Example Output:

News items 2 and 4 marked as unread.

Use case 5: Deleting all read news items


eselect news purge


Over time, after reading and addressing the necessary items, accumulated old news data can clutter the system. For users striving for cleanliness and efficiency in their systems, purging read news items declutters by removing them from the list, maintaining a neat and organized environment only displaying relevant unread news.


  • eselect: The tool being utilized for managing Gentoo system settings.
  • news: Specifies interaction with the news module.
  • purge: Executes the action to permanently delete all news items that are marked as read.

Example Output:

4 read news items have been purged.

Use case 6: Printing the number of available news items


eselect news count all|new


Having an overview of how many news items are available and how many are new ensures users can gauge the level of updates or changes at a glance. This awareness helps prioritize attention in case of limited time, assisting in identifying the number of news items that require immediate reading.


  • eselect: The initial part of the command indicating it’s being run with the Gentoo management tool.
  • news: Focus on the news subsection of eselect.
  • count: This action counts and displays the number of news items.
  • all|new: With all, the command counts all available news items, while with new, it narrowly focuses the count on only unread items.

Example Output:

There are 7 news items available.
There are 2 new unread news items.


By introducing these use cases, it’s evident how the eselect news command is not only versatile but crucial for staying updated with Gentoo Linux. Its functions cater to a variety of needs from quick overviews to detailed readings and efficient management of news items, ensuring users remain well-informed and proactive about system modifications or necessary upgrades.

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