How to Use the Command 'ex' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'ex' (with Examples)

The ex command is a powerful command-line text editor, highly suitable for users who prefer working within a terminal or require a minimalist interface for editing files. ex is part of the family of editors that includes vim, offering a unique modal approach to text editing that might be intimidating for new users but is extremely efficient for seasoned users. This article delves into several common use cases of ex, providing practical examples along with explanations to aid in understanding.

Use Case 1: Open a File


ex path/to/file


Editing a text file directly from the command line can be essential for developers, system administrators, or any user aiming to quickly access and modify files without launching a full graphical interface. Opening a file with ex allows for efficient editing within terminal sessions, useful in server environments or when resources are limited.


  • ex: Invokes the ex text editor, ready to either create or open an existing file for editing.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file intended for editing. This argument tells ex which file to open. If the file exists, it will be loaded; if not, ex will prepare to create a new file at this path upon editing.

Example Output:

Upon execution, the terminal will display a colon (:), indicating that ex is ready to accept command inputs for editing.

Use Case 2: Save and Quit




After making changes to a file, the changes need to be saved, and the text editor should be exited gracefully. Saving ensures that the modifications are written to the file, and quitting the editor releases the session back to the terminal prompt.


  • wq: Combines two commands: w (write) and q (quit). w writes (saves) the current buffer to the file, and q exits the editor session.
  • <Enter>: Signals the execution of the wq command.

Example Output:

Executing wq saves the current edits to the file and exits ex, returning the user to the shell prompt.

Use Case 3: Undo the Last Operation




Mistakes happen frequently during editing, whether it be unintended deletions or incorrect modifications. The ability to undo the last change offers a quick and flexible way to revert to a previously correct state without the need to manually fix errors.


  • undo: Reverts the most recent operation performed in the editor, whether it was a text edit or command. This provides a form of safety and assurance while editing.

Example Output:

After execution, the editor will revert the last change, allowing the user to see the file content in its previous state.

Use Case 4: Search for a Pattern in the File




Searching is a fundamental feature while working with text files, especially large ones. Finding specific text or patterns quickly within a file streamlines the process of understanding and modifying data, making ex a valuable tool in navigation and text analysis.


  • /: Initiates the search mode in ex.
  • search_pattern: Defines the pattern or text to search for within the file. It can be any string or regular expression.
  • <Enter>: Executes the search command.

Example Output:

ex will position the cursor at the first occurrence of the pattern in the file, if found. If the pattern is not found, the editor will provide a prompt indicating no matches.

Use Case 5: Perform a Regular Expression Substitution in the Whole File




Performing bulk substitutions efficiently is crucial in coding, data manipulation, and text processing tasks. With ex, you can replace all instances of a pattern across the file, saving time from line-by-line edits.


  • %: Indicates that the operation should be applied to the entire file.
  • s: Stands for substitute, initiating the substitution command.
  • regular_expression: Represents the regex pattern to search for.
  • replacement: Defines the text that will replace every match of the regex.
  • g: Ensures that the substitution is made globally in the file, affecting all matches, not just the first occurrence on a line.
  • <Enter>: Finalizes and executes the substitution command.

Example Output:

ex replaces all instances of the specified pattern with the replacement text throughout the file, displaying the number of substitutions made.

Use Case 6: Insert Text




Inserting new text into a document is a fundamental editing operation. ex allows users to quickly enter insert mode, place new content into the file, and then return to command mode for further operations or to finalize edits.


  • i: Enters insert mode, enabling the user to type text directly into the document at the cursor’s current location.
  • text: Represents the text you wish to insert.
  • <C-c>: Exits insert mode and returns to command mode, allowing further commands or edits.

Example Output:

The specified text will be inserted at the cursor position. Following this, ex will remain ready for additional input or tasks.

Use Case 7: Switch to Vim




While ex is powerful, there are scenarios where more dynamic and interactive editing features of vim are desirable. Switching to vim provides access to visual feedback and rich features absent from the ex environment, effectively combining the efficiency of command-line editing with more advanced tools.


  • visual: Changes the current session from ex to vim, opening the same file in a full-screen text editor mode. This command leverages the cohesive integration between ex and vim.

Example Output:

The terminal will transition to vim, providing a full-screen interface with syntax highlighting, multiple windows, and other vim tools, enhancing the editing experience.


The ex command-line text editor offers a robust suite of tools for managing and editing text from a terminal interface. From opening files to making complex substitutions, ex provides features suitable for both simple and advanced text editing tasks. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, users can enhance their productivity and develop a deeper proficiency with command-line-based text editing.

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