How to use the command 'ex' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ex' (with examples)

The ex command is a command-line text editor that is often used as an alternative to the vim editor. It allows users to open, edit, and save text files directly from the command line.

Use case 1: Open a file


ex path/to/file

Motivation: Opening a file in the ex editor allows users to access and make changes to the content of the file.

Explanation: The command is followed by the path to the file that you want to open. Replace path/to/file with the actual path to the file on your system.

Example output: The file will be opened in the ex editor and you will be able to view and edit its contents.

Use case 2: Save and Quit



Motivation: Saving and quitting ensures that any changes made to the file are saved and the editor is exited.

Explanation: The wq command is used to save changes to the file and quit the editor. Press <Enter> to execute the command.

Example output: The file will be saved and the editor will be closed.

Use case 3: Undo the last operation



Motivation: Undoing the last operation allows you to revert any changes that you may have made by mistake.

Explanation: The undo command is used to undo the last operation performed in the editor. Press <Enter> to execute the command.

Example output: The previous operation will be undone, reverting any changes made to the file.

Use case 4: Search for a pattern in the file



Motivation: Searching for a pattern in the file allows you to quickly locate specific content within the file.

Explanation: The / command is used to initiate a search within the file. Replace search_pattern with the pattern you want to search for. Press <Enter> to execute the command.

Example output: The editor will move the cursor to the first occurrence of the specified pattern within the file.

Use case 5: Perform a regular expression substitution in the whole file



Motivation: Performing a substitution allows you to replace a specific pattern or text with another within the entire file.

Explanation: The %s command is used to perform a global substitution. Replace regular_expression with the pattern you want to search for, and replacement with the text you want to replace with. The g flag is used to perform the substitution globally. Press <Enter> to execute the command.

Example output: The editor will replace all occurrences of the specified pattern with the specified replacement text within the file.

Use case 6: Insert text



Motivation: Inserting text allows you to add new content at the current cursor position within the file.

Explanation: The i command is used to enter insert mode. Press <Enter> to start a new line and enter the desired text. Press <C-c> (Control + c) to exit insert mode.

Example output: The editor will insert the specified text at the current cursor position within the file.

Use case 7: Switch to Vim



Motivation: Switching to Vim allows you to utilize the additional features and functionalities offered by the Vim editor.

Explanation: The visual command is used to switch from the ex editor to the Vim editor. Press <Enter> to execute the command.

Example output: The ex editor will be closed, and the Vim editor will be opened with the current file loaded.


The ex command provides a command-line text editor that allows for efficient and quick editing of text files without the need for a graphical user interface. It offers various commands and functionalities to manage, search, and edit text within files. By utilizing the use cases mentioned above, users can easily open files, make changes, search for specific patterns, and perform various other edits using the ex editor.

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