How to Harness the Power of the Exercism CLI (with Examples)

How to Harness the Power of the Exercism CLI (with Examples)

Exercism is a platform that provides exercises on various programming languages to help improve coding skills through practice. The Exercism Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that allows users to interact with these exercises locally on their computers. Using the Exercism CLI, users can download exercises, submit solutions, and manage their learning environment efficiently. Below are detailed use cases for how to use the Exercism CLI with clear explanations and examples.

Use Case 1: Configure the Application Token and Preferred Workspace


exercism configure --token=your-application-token --workspace=/path/to/preferred/workspace


Configuring the Exercism CLI with your application token and preferred workspace is the first and crucial step to get started with solving exercises. This setup links your local system with your Exercism account, enabling you to seamlessly download and submit exercises. The workspace configuration determines where all downloaded exercises and your solutions will be stored. By specifying these parameters correctly, you ensure a smooth workflow for the remainder of your exercises.


  • configure: This command initializes or updates your configuration settings.
  • --token=your-application-token: This is where you provide the unique application token tied to your Exercism account, which authorizes your local CLI to interact with the platform.
  • --workspace=/path/to/preferred/workspace: Specifies the directory where all exercises and their solutions will be stored locally. You choose a path that is convenient and easily accessible for your workflow.

Example Output:

Configuring CLI...
Your workspace is configured to /path/to/your/workspace.
Your authentication token is set.
Configuration complete.

Use Case 2: Download a Specific Exercise


exercism download --exercise=exercise_slug --track=track_slug


Downloading a specific exercise is essential when you want to focus on a particular problem within a track. This functionality allows you to obtain the necessary files needed to start solving an exercise locally. By specifying the exercise and track, you eliminate any ambiguity and ensure that the correct task is fetched from the platform.


  • download: This command is used to retrieve an exercise from the Exercism platform.
  • --exercise=exercise_slug: The exercise_slug is the identifier for the specific problem you want to solve. It’s like a key that tells the CLI which exercise you’re interested in.
  • --track=track_slug: The track_slug denotes the programming language track that the exercise belongs to. This ensures that you’re downloading an exercise from the correct language category.

Example Output:

Downloading exercise slug "exercise_slug" from track "track_slug"...
Downloaded to /path/to/your/workspace/track_slug/exercise_slug

Use Case 3: Submit an Exercise


exercism submit path/to/file


Submitting your completed exercise is a rewarding part of the learning process. Once you’ve worked through an exercise, submitting it allows you to see feedback, track your progress, and potentially get help from the community. It’s a way to validate your solution and contribute to your learning journey.


  • submit: This command uploads your solution file to the Exercism platform.
  • path/to/file: This parameter is the local path to the solution file you’d like to submit. It tells Exercism which file contains your completed code for evaluation and feedback.

Example Output:

Submitting file path/to/your/file...
Successfully submitted file "your_file" on track "track_slug".

Use Case 4: Print the Path to the Solution Workspace


exercism workspace


Knowing the path to your solution workspace can be extremely helpful, especially if you’ve forgotten where your projects are stored. This command quickly displays the current workspace directory, allowing you to navigate there directly without having to recall or dig through configurations manually.


  • workspace: This command outputs the path to the directory that has been configured as your working space for all exercises and solutions.

Example Output:

Path to the Exercism workspace: /Users/yourusername/path/to/your/workspace


The Exercism CLI is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of downloading, solving, and submitting exercises. By configuring your workspace and token, you set the foundation for a smooth interaction with the platform. The commands for downloading and submitting exercises provide a seamless workflow for engaging with programming challenges across different tracks. Lastly, the ability to easily find your workspace path enhances convenience in managing your solutions. By mastering these commands, you enhance your coding practice experience with Exercism.

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