How to use the command exfatlabel (with examples)

How to use the command exfatlabel (with examples)

The exfatlabel command is used to get or set the label of an exFAT filesystem. The exFAT filesystem is a file system developed by Microsoft, designed for use on flash drives and other external storage devices. The command allows users to view the current label of the filesystem and also set a new label if desired.

Use case 1: Display the current filesystem label


exfatlabel /dev/sda

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to check the current label of an exFAT filesystem before making any changes. It is important to verify the current label before attempting to set a new label to avoid any accidental changes.


  • exfatlabel: The command to get or set the exFAT filesystem label.
  • /dev/sda: The path to the exFAT filesystem.

Example output:

Volume name is MAIN_DRIVE

Use case 2: Set the filesystem label


exfatlabel /dev/sda new_label

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to set a new label for an exFAT filesystem. Changing the label can help identify the purpose of the storage device and make it more recognizable in file managers and operating systems.


  • exfatlabel: The command to get or set the exFAT filesystem label.
  • /dev/sda: The path to the exFAT filesystem.
  • new_label: The new label to be set for the filesystem.

Example output: No output is displayed if the command is successful. The new label will be set and can be verified using the first use case.

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