How to use the command eyeD3 (with examples)

How to use the command eyeD3 (with examples)

The eyeD3 command is a powerful tool for reading and manipulating metadata of MP3 files. It allows you to view information about MP3 files, set the title and album of MP3 files, and even add cover art to them. This article will provide a step-by-step guide for each of these use cases, along with relevant examples.

Use case 1: View information about an MP3 file


eyeD3 filename.mp3


You may want to view the metadata of an MP3 file to get information about the artist, album, track number, genre, and other details. This can be useful for organizing your music library or troubleshooting any issues with the file.


  • eyeD3: The command to invoke the eyeD3 tool.
  • filename.mp3: The name of the MP3 file for which you want to view the metadata.

Example output:

File: filename.mp3
Title  : A Title
Artist : John Doe
Album  : My Album

Use case 2: Set the title of an MP3 file


eyeD3 --title "A Title" filename.mp3


You might want to update the title of an MP3 file to correct any spelling mistakes, add more descriptive text, or simply change it to your preference. This can help you keep your music library organized and make it easier to search for specific tracks.


  • eyeD3: The command to invoke the eyeD3 tool.
  • --title "A Title": The argument to set the new title for the MP3 file.
  • filename.mp3: The name of the MP3 file for which you want to set the title.

Example output:

Updated metadata for filename.mp3:
Title  : A Title
Artist : John Doe
Album  : My Album

Use case 3: Set the album of all the MP3 files in a directory


eyeD3 --album "Album Name" *.mp3


If you have multiple MP3 files in a directory that belong to the same album, setting the album metadata for all of them at once can save you time and effort. This ensures consistency in your music library and allows media players to group and display the files properly.


  • eyeD3: The command to invoke the eyeD3 tool.
  • --album "Album Name": The argument to set the new album name for the MP3 files.
  • *.mp3: The wildcard pattern to match all MP3 files in the current directory.

Example output:

Updated metadata for file1.mp3:
Title  : Song 1
Artist : John Doe
Album  : Album Name

Updated metadata for file2.mp3:
Title  : Song 2
Artist : John Doe
Album  : Album Name


Use case 4: Set the front cover art for an MP3 file


eyeD3 --add-image front_cover.jpeg:FRONT_COVER: filename.mp3


Adding cover art to your MP3 files can enhance the visual experience and make it easier to identify specific songs or albums. It also allows media players to display the cover art alongside the audio playback.


  • eyeD3: The command to invoke the eyeD3 tool.
  • --add-image front_cover.jpeg:FRONT_COVER:: The argument to add the specified image file as the front cover art.
  • filename.mp3: The name of the MP3 file for which you want to add the cover art.

Example output:

Added front cover art to filename.mp3


The eyeD3 command provides a convenient way to work with MP3 file metadata. Whether you need to view, update, or add metadata to your MP3 files, eyeD3 provides the necessary functionality. By following the examples provided in this article, you can easily manage and organize your music library.

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