How to use the command f3probe (with examples)

How to use the command f3probe (with examples)

The f3probe command is used to probe a block device, such as a flash drive or a microSD card, for counterfeit flash memory. It is part of the F3 (Fight Flash Fraud) project, which is aimed at detecting counterfeit storage media reliably.

Use case 1: Probe a block device


sudo f3probe path/to/block_device

Motivation: The motivation behind probing a block device is to determine whether it contains counterfeit flash memory. By running the f3probe command, the user can check if a flash drive or a microSD card is genuine or if it has been manipulated to fake its true capacity.

Explanation: The f3probe command is run with the path to the block device as an argument. The sudo prefix is used to run the command as a superuser in order to access the block device.

Example output:

F3 probe 7.1

Use case 2: Use the minimum amount of RAM possible


sudo f3probe --min-memory path/to/block_device

Motivation: Using the minimum amount of RAM possible can be useful in cases where the system has limited resources or when probing large block devices that might require significant memory allocation.

Explanation: The --min-memory option is used to specify that the command should use the minimum amount of RAM. By using this option, the memory consumption of the command is reduced, which can be useful in resource-constrained environments.

Example output:

F3 probe 7.1

Use case 3: Time disk operations


sudo f3probe --time-ops path/to/block_device

Motivation: Timing disk operations can help identify potential issues with the block device, such as slow response times or bottlenecks. By measuring the time taken for various operations, the user can get insights into the performance of the block device.

Explanation: The --time-ops option is used to enable timing of disk operations. The command will measure the time taken for different read and write operations, providing valuable information about the speed and performance of the block device.

Example output:

F3 probe 7.1


In this article, we explored the different use cases of the f3probe command. We learned how to probe a block device for counterfeit flash memory, use the minimum amount of RAM possible, and time disk operations. These use cases are helpful in verifying the authenticity of storage media and understanding their performance characteristics. The f3probe command is a powerful utility for ensuring the reliability and performance of flash drives and microSD cards.

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