How to use the command "f3read" (with examples)

How to use the command "f3read" (with examples)

To validate a device by checking the files in a given directory, you can use the f3read command followed by the path to the mount point. This command will read the files in the directory and perform validation tests to determine the real capacity of the drive.


f3read path/to/mount_point

Motivation: Validating a device by checking the files in a given directory is important to ensure that the drive is working properly and can store data up to its claimed capacity. By using the f3read command, you can perform validation tests on the drive and identify any potential issues or discrepancies.


  • f3read is the command to validate a device by checking the files in a given directory.
  • path/to/mount_point is the path to the mount point of the device you want to validate. This can be a directory on your local machine or a network-mounted drive.

Example Output:

[22:43:59] Allocated (100.00%) bytes did=19.5MiB, wrote=19.5MiB, ratio=1.00

The example output shows that the allocated bytes, bytes written, and ratio are all 100%. This indicates that the device has been successfully validated and can store data up to its claimed capacity.

Using f3read to Test the Real Capacity of a Drive

Another use case for the f3read command is to test the real capacity of a drive. By running f3read on a drive, you can verify if the drive’s capacity matches its claimed capacity, and check for any discrepancies or issues that may affect its performance.


f3read /dev/sdX

Motivation: Testing the real capacity of a drive is important to ensure that it meets the specifications provided by the manufacturer. By using the f3read command, you can perform validation tests on the drive and determine its actual capacity, which can be useful for verifying if the drive is working as expected.


  • f3read is the command to test the real capacity of a drive.
  • /dev/sdX is the path to the drive you want to test. Replace sdX with the appropriate device identifier for your drive (e.g., sda, sdb, etc.).

Example Output:

[22:45:12] Allocated (100.00%) bytes did=4.00GiB, wrote=4.00GiB, ratio=1.00

The example output shows that the allocated bytes, bytes written, and ratio are all 100%, indicating that the drive’s real capacity matches its claimed capacity. This verifies that the drive is functioning correctly and can store data up to its specified capacity.

Using f3read for Data Recovery

You can also use the f3read command for data recovery purposes. By running f3read on a damaged or corrupted device, you can determine the extent of data loss and assess the drive’s ability to recover any remaining data.


f3read /dev/sdX --recovery

Motivation: Data recovery is often necessary when dealing with damaged or corrupted devices. By using the f3read command with the --recovery option, you can perform recovery tests on the drive and identify any salvageable data, helping you determine whether recovery is possible or if further actions need to be taken.


  • f3read is the command to perform data recovery tests on a drive.
  • /dev/sdX is the path to the damaged or corrupted drive you want to recover data from. Replace sdX with the appropriate device identifier for your drive.
  • --recovery is an optional argument that enables data recovery mode, allowing f3read to perform recovery tests on the drive.

Example Output:

[22:46:32] I/O error when reading data: Input/output error

The example output shows an I/O error when reading data, indicating that the drive is unable to recover any data. This suggests that the drive may be severely damaged or corrupted, and further data recovery methods should be considered.

Using f3read for Performance Testing

You can also use the f3read command for performance testing purposes. By measuring the read speed of a drive using f3read, you can assess its performance and identify any bottlenecks or limitations that may affect its overall speed and efficiency.


f3read /dev/sdX --time-ops

Motivation: Performance testing is crucial to evaluate the read speed and overall efficiency of a drive. By using the f3read command with the --time-ops option, you can measure the time taken to perform read operations on the drive, helping you identify any performance issues or areas for improvement.


  • f3read is the command to measure the read speed of a drive.
  • /dev/sdX is the path to the drive you want to test. Replace sdX with the appropriate device identifier for your drive.
  • --time-ops is an optional argument that enables timing of read operations, allowing f3read to measure the read speed of the drive.

Example Output:

[22:48:14] Read speed: 250 MiB/s

The example output shows a read speed of 250 MiB/s, indicating the speed at which data can be read from the drive. This information can be useful for assessing the performance of the drive and comparing it to other drives or industry standards.

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