How to use the command 'fakedata' (with examples)

How to use the command 'fakedata' (with examples)

The command ‘fakedata’ is a tool that allows users to generate fake data using a wide range of generators. It provides various options to specify the output format, limit the number of generated data items, and also allows users to create custom output templates.

Use case 1: List all valid generators


fakedata --generators


  • This use case allows users to see a list of all the valid generators available in the ‘fakedata’ command. It can be helpful when users want to know the available options before generating the data.


  • --generators: This argument is used to list all the valid generators in the ‘fakedata’ command.

Example output:

Available generators:
- name
- address
- city

Use case 2: Generate data using one or more generators


fakedata generator1 generator2


  • This use case allows users to generate fake data using one or more specific generators. It can be useful when users want to select only certain generators to generate the desired data.


  • generator1 generator2: These are the names of the generators that the user wants to use to generate the fake data.

Example output:

Generated data using 'name' and 'address' generators:
- John Doe, 123 Main St
- Jane Smith, 456 Elm St
- ...

Use case 3: Generate data with a specific output format


fakedata --format csv|tab|sql generator


  • This use case allows users to specify the desired output format for the generated data. It can be helpful when users want to generate data in a format that is compatible with other tools or systems they are using.


  • --format: This argument is used to specify the output format. Users can choose between ‘csv’, ’tab’, or ‘sql’ format.
  • generator: This is the name of the generator that the user wants to use.

Example output:

Generated data in CSV format using 'name' generator:
"John Doe","Jane Smith","..."

Use case 4: Generate a given number of data items


fakedata --limit n generator


  • This use case allows users to specify the number of data items they want to generate. It can be useful when users have a specific requirement for the amount of data needed.


  • --limit: This argument is used to specify the number of data items to be generated.
  • n: This is the desired number of data items.
  • generator: This is the name of the generator that the user wants to use.

Example output:

Generated 20 data items using 'address' generator:
- 123 Main St
- 456 Elm St
- ...

Use case 5: Generate data using a custom output template


echo "{{Generator}}" | fakedata


  • This use case allows users to create a custom output template for the generated data. It can be helpful when users want to have full control over the format and structure of the output.


  • echo "{{Generator}}": This creates a custom output template using the handlebars notation ‘{{}}’. The handlebars variable ‘Generator’ will be replaced with the generated data.
  • | fakedata: This pipes the custom output template to the ‘fakedata’ command for generating the data.

Example output:

Generated data using a custom output template:
- John Doe
- Jane Smith
- ...


The ‘fakedata’ command is a versatile tool for generating fake data using various generators. It provides options to customize the output format, limit the number of generated data items, and allows users to create custom output templates. By using the different use cases mentioned above, users can easily generate fake data based on their specific requirements.

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