How to Use the Command 'fatlabel' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'fatlabel' (with examples)

The ‘fatlabel’ command is used to set or get the label of a FAT32 partition. It allows users to change or retrieve the label associated with a specific partition. This can be useful when managing disk partitions or organizing files in a more organized manner. By understanding the use cases of the ‘fatlabel’ command, users can effectively manage their FAT32 partitions.

Use case 1: Get the label of a FAT32 partition


fatlabel /dev/sda1


The motivation behind using this example is to retrieve the label associated with a FAT32 partition. By executing this command, users can quickly obtain the current label and use it for reference or further actions.


  • fatlabel: The name of the command.
  • /dev/sda1: The path to the FAT32 partition. In this example, it is specified as “/dev/sda1”.

Example output:


Use case 2: Set the label of a FAT32 partition


fatlabel /dev/sdc3 "new_label"


The motivation behind using this example is to set a new label for a FAT32 partition. By providing the desired label as an argument, users can modify the existing label to a more suitable one.


  • fatlabel: The name of the command.
  • /dev/sdc3: The path to the FAT32 partition. In this example, it is specified as “/dev/sdc3”.
  • "new_label": The desired label to be set for the FAT32 partition. Users can replace “new_label” with their preferred name.

Example output:

No output is displayed upon successfully setting the label.


The ‘fatlabel’ command is a helpful tool for managing FAT32 partitions. By knowing how to retrieve and set labels, users can effectively organize their disk space and make their file systems more recognizable. The use cases presented above demonstrate the practical applications of the ‘fatlabel’ command. Whether it is getting the current label or assigning a new one, the ‘fatlabel’ command provides users with the necessary functionality to control their FAT32 partitions.

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