Exploring the Power of fc (with examples)

Exploring the Power of fc (with examples)

The fc command, short for “fix command”, is a handy utility in Unix-like operating systems that allows users to manipulate and edit their command history. With fc, users can easily modify, re-execute, or even recall past commands from their shell session. In this article, we will take a closer look at each use case of the fc command and explore practical examples to showcase its capabilities.

Opening the Most Recent Command and Editing It

The simplest and most frequently used way to leverage fc is by using it to open the most recent command in the default system editor. This is particularly helpful if you want to quickly make minor modifications or fix a typo in a command you previously executed.

To accomplish this, simply enter the following command:


Motivation: This use case is great for efficiency and helps users avoid the need to manually scroll through their command history to locate and modify the desired command.

Explanation: Without any arguments, fc defaults to opening the most recent command in the default editor. The default editor is determined by the FCEDIT or EDITOR environment variables. These variables point to the name of the desired editor to be used.

Example Output: After executing fc, your default editor will open with the most recent command displayed for editing. Once you make the necessary modifications, save and exit the editor to execute the modified command.

Specifying an Editor to Open With

In some cases, you may prefer to open commands in a specific editor rather than relying on the default system editor. The -e flag allows you to specify the editor you want to open the commands with.

To open the most recent command in a specific editor, use the following syntax:

fc -e editor_name

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a preferred editor that is different from the default system editor. It allows you to seamlessly integrate fc with your preferred editor and maintain a consistent editing environment.

Explanation: The -e flag followed by the desired editor name instructs fc to open commands using the specified editor. It can be any text editor installed on your system, such as emacs, vim, or nano.

Example Output: To open the most recent command using emacs, you would execute fc -e emacs. This would launch emacs with the most recent command loaded for editing.

Listing Recent Commands from History

Another handy use of fc is to list recent commands from your command history. This can be helpful when you need to quickly review or reference past commands without modifying or executing them.

To list recent commands, use the following command:

fc -l

Motivation: This use case is ideal for quickly recalling recently executed commands for reference or as a memory aid, especially when running multiple commands within a single session.

Explanation: The -l flag instructs fc to list the recent commands from your history. By default, fc -l displays the ten most recent commands.

Example Output: Upon executing fc -l, you will see a list of the most recent commands in your history. Each command is displayed along with its corresponding line number.

Listing Recent Commands in Reverse Order

To further customize the output of the fc -l command and list the recent commands in reverse order, you can add the -r flag.

To list recent commands in reverse order, use the following command:

fc -l -r

Motivation: Sometimes, viewing the most recent commands at the top of the list may not align with your preferred reading or reference order. By listing commands in reverse order, you can easily navigate the history in a more intuitive way.

Explanation: The -r flag, when combined with the -l flag, reverses the order of the listed commands. This displays the oldest command first, followed by the subsequent commands in reverse chronological order.

Example Output: Upon executing fc -l -r, the output will present recent commands in reverse order, with the oldest command at the top.

Listing Commands in a Given Interval

The fc command also supports listing commands within a specific interval in the command history. This allows you to narrow down the list to a particular range of commands.

To list commands within a given interval, use the following command:

fc start_line_number end_line_number

Motivation: When dealing with a large command history, it can be helpful to focus on a specific range of commands. This use case enables you to isolate the relevant commands within a specified interval.

Explanation: By specifying the line numbers where the desired interval starts and ends, fc narrows down the command list to only display the commands falling within that range. The command history line numbers can be obtained from the fc -l output.

Example Output: Let’s say you want to list commands from line 416 to line 420. You would execute fc 416 420, and the output will display the commands in the specified interval.


The fc command is a versatile tool that empowers users to manipulate their command history with ease. By understanding and implementing each of the eight use cases explored in this article, you can effectively utilize fc to edit and manage your command history more efficiently. Whether you need to quickly modify a command, reference past commands, or navigate through large command histories, fc proves to be an invaluable asset in your Unix-like shell environment.

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