How to use the command fc (with examples)

How to use the command fc (with examples)

The fc command in Windows is used to compare the differences between two files or sets of files. It is a useful command when you want to determine the changes made between two versions of a file or when comparing the content of multiple files.

Use case 1: Compare 2 specified files


fc path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: This use case allows you to compare two specific files and identify the differences between them. You may want to use this when you want to see how two different versions of a file differ from each other.

Explanation: In this use case, path\to\file1 specifies the location and the name of the first file, while path\to\file2 specifies the location and the name of the second file.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
This is the content of file 1.
***** path\to\file2
This is the content of file 2.

Use case 2: Perform a case-insensitive comparison


fc /c path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to compare files in a case-insensitive manner. It can be used in situations where you want to check for content changes, regardless of the case sensitivity.

Explanation: The /c option is used to perform a case-insensitive comparison. It makes the comparison ignore any differences in the case of the letters.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
This is the content of file 1.
***** path\to\file2
This is the Content of File 2.

Use case 3: Compare files as Unicode text


fc /u path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: When comparing files that contain Unicode characters, it is important to compare them as Unicode text to ensure an accurate comparison.

Explanation: The /u option is used to compare files as Unicode text. This option allows the command to treat the files as Unicode encoded, ensuring that the comparison takes place at the character level.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
This is the content of file 1.
***** path\to\file2
This is the content of file 2.

Use case 4: Compare files as ASCII text


fc /l path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: This use case is handy when you specifically want to compare files as ASCII text. It ensures that the comparison is performed based on the ASCII character set.

Explanation: The /l option is used to compare files as ASCII text. This option restricts the comparison to the ASCII character set, ignoring any Unicode characters present in the files.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
This is the content of file 1.
***** path\to\file2
This is the content of file 2.

Use case 5: Compare files as binary


fc /b path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: When dealing with binary files such as executable files or images, it is important to compare them as binary to ensure an accurate comparison.

Explanation: The /b option is used to compare files as binary. It tells the command to treat the files as binary data, instead of text. This allows for a byte-level comparison of the files.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
Binary file path\to\file1 and path\to\file2 differ

Use case 6: Disable tab-to-space expansion


fc /t path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: In some cases, it might be necessary to compare files without expanding tabs to spaces. This use case allows for such a comparison.

Explanation: The /t option is used to disable tab-to-space expansion. When this option is used, the command performs a comparison without expanding the tabs present in the files.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
This is the content of   file 1.
***** path\to\file2
This is the content of file 2.

Use case 7: Compress whitespace (tabs and spaces) for comparisons


fc /w path\to\file1 path\to\file2

Motivation: When comparing files, it might be useful to consider text with different whitespace characters as equal. This use case allows for whitespace compression, making comparisons more flexible.

Explanation: The /w option is used to compress whitespace for comparisons. This means that sequences of spaces and tabs are treated as a single space during the comparison.

Example output:

Comparing files path\to\file1 and path\to\file2
***** path\to\file1
This is the content of file 1.
***** path\to\file2
This    is   the     content   of file    2.


The fc command in Windows provides a powerful way to compare the differences between files. With its various options, you can perform comparisons based on different criteria, such as case sensitivity, text encoding, whitespace treatment, and more. By understanding and utilizing the different use cases of the command, you can efficiently analyze and compare files to identify differences and modifications.

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